Topic-icon How do I make Easyblog use SCLogin instead of Joomla

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Dear Alex,

The SCLogin looks so very cool at the top of my page in the topbar position and also right under the banner. I have created two copies of the SCLogin module and have then configured to look differently but perform the same way. It's very nice looking.

However, I have a question. Thanks to the code you suggested be inserted into the EasyBlog script, non logged in users who click on an EasyBlog title are redirected to the standard joomla login page where JFBConnect is integrated. However, when someone logs in, they are then sent to the user page and not back to the article they were intending to read.

Is there a setting in JFBConnect that will send them back to the article they were intending to read?

Should I consider inserting some code in the EasyBlog script to send the user to the Modal Pop Up (which would look the coolest). I suspect that might then allow it to go back to the article they were intending to read in the first place.

Since I am now requiring registration and log in to read my material, most of my site visitors are following one of my social media links to my site to read an article, they won't be registered nor signed in so they are going to get the redirect to the standard Joomla login with the JFBConnect integration. The way I have it set up they end up on the Joomla user page and then have to find a way to navigate back to the article they were looking for.

Thanks again for all of your help.

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40326 by alzander
The login popup being available in other locations (like you're looking for) is something we're planning. It will be a nice feature and well used, but a little complex to implement.

For now, I'd recommend trying to update the line above to:
$uri = JURI::getInstance();
$url = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query'));
$url = base64_encode($url);
$mainframe->redirect( JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . $url , false ) );
Please try that and let me know how it goes. It should redirect the user when using the social login buttons. I *believe* it should also work with standard Joomla logins as well.

Let me know how that goes, and best of luck!
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Dear Alex,

That works perfectly. Everything is working well. I have the SCLogin module installed twice on the front page and formatted each one differently for aesthetic reasons. The code you suggested for the Joomla login works just like I wanted it to.

Thank you for your excellent customer support.

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40407 by alzander
Awesome! I'm glad to hear you got things going how you wanted. As always, just let us know should you need anything else.

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