Topic-icon How do I make Easyblog use SCLogin instead of Joomla

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Dear Alex,

I want to require all visitors to my site to register or log in to read my materials. When I configure Easyblog to require registered users to read the full blog post, they are redirected to the standard Joomla Login screen, not the SCLogin screen. Can you tell me where and how to configure this?

Thanks in advance.

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Dear Alex,

I guess maybe a different way of asking this question is this: Is there a way I can make sure the SCLogin features show up on the default Joomla login in page. Didn't the older version used to do that?
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Now this is weird. When I click on a blog title, I'm redirected to the standard Joomla login page. If I try to log in with a non-registered user name, I get the error message that the user name is not registered but at the bottom of the log in page are the SCLogin buttons! I want them to show up the first time the user is sent to this page.
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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40233 by alzander
That first login view looks to be an EasyBlog-specific login area. I've never seen that before and didn't know they basically recreated the Joomla login area just to add the "In order to access the full blog post, you will need to register for an account or login with your account below." (and some other minor) text.

You'll need to either:
* Find what EasyBlog layout is generating that page and edit it to add the {JFBCLogin text=Or login with} tag. That will add the buttons the same as on the standard Joomla login page.
* Setup a redirect (in Joomla, .htaccess, or a separate SEF extension if you're using one) to redirect the user from that page to the 'real' Joomla login page.

I hope that helps get you started, but if not, as always, just let us know.

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Dear Alex,

What would that redirect code for the .htaccess file look like?

I have sh404SEF installed. Is that what you mean by a separate SEF extension.

Which would you say is the preferable method?

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Dear Alex,

You are always so helpful. You have the best customer service of any extension I have ever used. I really appreciate your help.

Lets forget about EasyBlog log in for just a moment and focus just on the core Joomla login and JFBConnect.

When I enable the core Joomla login module and assign it to a position on my home page, I get the same behavior I was previously attributing to the EasyBlog login, namely, when you are first redirected to log in to read an EasyBlog entry, the log in form looks like a traditional Joomla log in page with no JFBConnect buttons. But if you enter a non-existent user name and you get the subsequent no user name error message with the JFBConnect buttons showing.

I'm getting the same behavior whether I arrive at the log in page by clicking on an EasyBlog title or if I try to log in using the basic Joomla log in module.

So before I go tearing into any EasyBlog code I wanted to explore the basic Joomla log in module and determine why the JFBConnect buttons don't show up when a visitor arrives at that page to register but only show up after a non-existent user tried to log in.

The Joomla log in module is published on the home page for you to test out.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.
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Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm getting ahead of my self. I guess I still want to find a way to have the social buttons appear in the initial log in page from EasyBlog after all. I forgot how that screen pops up until I was retracing my steps.

Their technical support said this was the code I was supposed to modify if I want to redirect to the SCLogin module but I can't really decipher what do do with it.

if( $my->id <= 0 && $config->get( 'main_login_read' ) )
$mainframe->redirect( EasyBlogRouter::_( 'index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $blogId . '&layout=login' , false ) );

As for my previous post, I guess it wouldn't make sense to have the JFB Social Buttons appear on the registration page since the user has already passed up a chance to log in with the Social buttons in the first place and clicked on Register.

I hope you can make sense of this.

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40258 by alzander
There's a difference between the mod_login Joomla Login module and the standard Joomla Login component view. JFBConnect can modify the component view of com_users (the Users component), but we don't modify the login module, which can be used anywhere.. so altering it could have some bad results. In general, the SCLogin module should replace the Joomla Login (mod_login) module... and JFBConnect can automatically add the social login buttons to the Joomla User Login component view.

Confusing.. probably, but we have most of the bases covered that way.

With that said, the solution to the above is to alter the line the EasyBlog folks gave you and update it to:
$mainframe->redirect( JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login' , false ) );
That should redirect to the Joomla component login view, which JFBConnect should be adding the social login buttons too.

I hope that helps, but if not, as always, just let us know!

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Dear Alex,

Thank you so much for your suggestions. When a user clicks on a blog entry when they are not logged in they are redirected to the Joomla login where they can see the JFBConnect integration. It looks very nice. However, there seems to be some snippet of code that inserts what looks like the old Linked In Login logo right after the fancy new Linked In button. I can't seem to figure out where that is coming from.

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40291 by alzander
Awesome! We're getting there :)

My guess now is that you have the JLinked option for "Integrate with Joomla Login" enabled. I don't remember the exact setting name, but I think that's it. I'd disable that. JFBConnect will manage the integration and you shouldn't enable both.

Crossing my fingers that that will get you going!

Best wishes,
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