Topic-icon JFBConnect and Joomla 3.3

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10 years 4 months ago #43594 by kstockl
I have one question.

Is JFBConnect ready with Joomla 3.3?

Regards, Karl
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Support Specialist
10 years 4 months ago #43596 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic JFBConnect and Joomla 3.3
Absolutely! We've been testing JFBConnect against the 3.3 betas and Release Candidates. There was one very minor issue fixed in the 6.0.4 release to ensure proper compatibility, but any 6.x release should work with Joomla 3.3.

Of course, if you run into any issues, let us know, but so far, we haven't found any problems at all.

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10 years 4 months ago #43599 by kstockl
Replied by kstockl on topic JFBConnect and Joomla 3.3
ThankĀ“s Alex for your quick answer. So I can do update now :-)

Best regards, Karl
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10 years 4 months ago #43602 by jchungerford
I recently updated to J 3.3.0 | JFBC 6.0.5 | SCLogin 4.0.5

Pre-existing connected accounts will not login using the social media buttons. Site now redirects to Joomla Login page when utilizing buttons.

New account registration does work. Anyone else having this issue?

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Support Specialist
10 years 4 months ago #43603 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic JFBConnect and Joomla 3.3

Pre-existing connected accounts will not login using the social media buttons. Site now redirects to Joomla Login page when utilizing buttons.

No, we haven't heard of that issue before from users, and can't recreate it on our development/test sites (we just tried again).

What I'd recommend is:
* Clear your browser cache
* Clear the Joomla cache
* In the JFBConnect -> Configuration area, set "Enable Debugging" to "Yes". There may be a new error message after authenticating which could explain the problem.
* Test from a different browser, just in case
* Try completely logging out of the social network you're trying to authenticate into your site from. Then, try to authenticate again. It's possible there's a cookie issue, which can be cleared from logging out.

I'm trying to think of other things to try as well, but hopefully something above kicks things into gear. We'll keep an eye out for similar posts, and let us know what you find.

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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #43604 by jchungerford
This is so weird.

Used different browsers (Chrome, FF, IE)
Cleared all broswer cache (including cookies)
Purged Joomla cache
Enabled Debugging
Autotune shows no errors
Logged out of existing social networks, cleared cache etc, attempted to login via sclogin and still does not work. :(

I will try to re-install / overwrite jfbconnect component and sc login module again to see if that helps.
Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by jchungerford.
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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #43606 by jchungerford
The re-insallation / overwrite did not work and I've also noticed the following:

I disconnected all users from Joomla Backend and then attempted to login using JFBConnect / SC login.

Login was unsuccessful on frontend (user not logged in and site redirects to joomla login page) however, the backend shows successful login of user even though they are not logged in the front end.


I could really use some help as I really don't want to have to restore a backup just for this.
Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by jchungerford.
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Support Specialist
10 years 4 months ago #43610 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic JFBConnect and Joomla 3.3

I disconnected all users from Joomla Backend and then attempted to login using JFBConnect / SC login.

Do you mean you deleted your connections in the User Map area? That's generally not recommended as it could cause users to have duplicate account (the account they first created with a social network and a new one, if something like their email address changed).

Either way, I just tried to register using Facebook on your site and it worked just as expected. Are you still only seeing this with users that had accounts previously? Is it for multiple accounts that were connected before, or just a specific one?

The only other suggestions I have to test are:
* Disable caching in Joomla altogether in the Global Configuration area.
* Disable any 'optimization' plugins, if you have any (these compress Javascript and may do their own caching).
* Disable SEF URLs.
Those things shouldn't be necessary, but again, I don't know of any cause for what you're explaining, and I can't recreate it. The above options, again, may help narrow things down.

Finally, do you know what version of JFBConnect you were upgrading from? That may help us understand things further if it was a much earlier version.

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10 years 4 months ago #43633 by jchungerford

Do you mean you deleted your connections in the User Map area? That's generally not recommended as it could cause users to have duplicate account (the account they first created with a social network and a new one, if something like their email address changed).

No. I just logged out currently logged in users through the Main Joomla page (pressing the 'x' icon next to their names). After that test failed, I also did delete the connection and re-created another connection and that failed as well. (There are currently no duplicate accounts).

Either way, I just tried to register using Facebook on your site and it worked just as expected. Are you still only seeing this with users that had accounts previously? Is it for multiple accounts that were connected before, or just a specific one?

Initial registration isn't the problem. That works just fine. It's logging in after someone registers and creates that connection which isn't working properly. I've created a new account to test and the same thing happens. I can create no problem but trying to use the social buttons to login afterwards doesn't work. There have been no multiple accounts ever.

The only other suggestions I have to test are:
* Disable caching in Joomla altogether in the Global Configuration area.
* Disable any 'optimization' plugins, if you have any (these compress Javascript and may do their own caching).
* Disable SEF URLs.
Those things shouldn't be necessary, but again, I don't know of any cause for what you're explaining, and I can't recreate it. The above options, again, may help narrow things down.

Finally, do you know what version of JFBConnect you were upgrading from? That may help us understand things further if it was a much earlier version.


I will try the above and report. I'll go ahead and give your account admin rights to take a look on the backend if you would like.

Recent upgrades:
Joomla 3.2.3 directly to 3.3.0 (skipped 3.2.4 as the site said it wasn't necessary).
JFBConnect 6.0.4 to 6.0.5
SCLogin 4.0.4 to 4.0.5
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Support Specialist
10 years 4 months ago #43640 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic JFBConnect and Joomla 3.3
I just tried to login again using Facebook and was redirected to the Login page. I've never seen anything like that, and with Joomla 3.3 out for a few days, no one else has reported it.. which means there's something specific going on on your site.

If you could Private Message me the admin credentials, that would really help. You can PM me by clicking the mail icon under my avatar to the left.

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