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Topic-icon IE 7 Problems

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13 years 5 months ago #7205 by flash1144
Replied by flash1144 on topic IE 7 Problems
Your demo site are not reporting me - Operation Aborted. It working fine.

It is not on all pages.
It`s not on login or logout, it showing me a messege even if login button is not on that page. Like Microsoft said on their forum, Opration Aborted - its problem with javascript loading, when code is in <div></div>, and not in the body.

I can turn on your plugin for you, to testing it, for a short time. I will send you a link.
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Support Specialist
13 years 5 months ago #7217 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic IE 7 Problems
The issue isn't with the problem reported by Microsoft. That's an issue if the Javascript actually removes elements from the page that haven't been loaded. The way Facebook does it's Javascript, it doesn't remove any elements from the page that it itself doesn't create.

Please send a link, and if you can PM us a super admin account so we can enable the plugin, that would help. Another thing you may want to try is to disable any compression or optimization scripts. Mainly, anything that does GZip'ing, as is the page is malformed (from a PHP warning or notice), you can also get the operation aborted. If you do, and you don't see the Operation aborted problem, look for messages in the output. Another alternative is to disable error reporting to prevent those messages. Since we haven't seen your page, I don't know if you have any of these things (error reporting or GZip compression) enabled.

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13 years 4 months ago #7231 by flash1144
Replied by flash1144 on topic IE 7 Problems
I dont have any of these things enabled. Only what I have is JCH_Optimize plugin, but I tryed to disable it and then to clean cache and cookies, but Operation Aborted is still there.

I will send you a super admin account later today.

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