Topic-icon LinkedIn social login/registration error

Support Specialist
4 weeks 1 day ago #69011 by mel
Those look correct.

Can you look in your LinkedIn developer app and see what the values are for the following settings:
* Products - please verify that the "Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect" is enabled
* OAuth 2.0 scopes - At minimum, you should have openid, profile and email
4 weeks 11 hours ago - 4 weeks 11 hours ago #69015 by olivus
Hi Mel,

Thank you very much for your guidance/recommendation
I checked and effectively the "Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect" was NOT enabled
So far, for (Joomla 3.10.12, JFBConnect 9.0.244) and as stated in  LinkedIn setup guide ,  I was using Products "Sign In with LinkedIn", which apparently is not relevant anymore for (Joomla 4.4.6, JFBConnect 9.1.76)

Enabling "Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect" fixed the issue,

Please check on your side as well that you can now register/connect via LinkedIn on (Joomla 4.4.6, JFBConnect 9.1.76)

Thanks again for your help !
Last edit: 4 weeks 11 hours ago by olivus.
Support Specialist
4 weeks 8 hours ago #69016 by mel
Yes, I was able to log in with my LinkedIn credentials. Glad we could get it fixed.

4 weeks 8 hours ago - 4 weeks 5 hours ago #69017 by olivus
Hi Mel,
Unfortunately I have now another type of error wheen I try to login again via the LinkedIn button :
I can not login again and I am redirected to the public homepage versus my registered page
When I click on any public top menu link (OFFRES PRO link), I got following 2 messages :"successWe were unable to retrieve your LinkedIn account information. Please try again."
followed by
"dangerCette adresse e-mail est déjà utilisée. Merci d'utiliser une autre adresse e-mail."
This happens now on both and !!!
How can I disable "Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect" so at least my production site ( could work correctly with "Sign In with LinkedIn" (as before)

Here below are the new scopes...after enabling  "Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect" on top of "Sign In with LinkedIn"

OAuth 2.0 scopes
  • Scopes define what your app can do on a user's behalf.
  • The OAuth consent screen will display descriptions to end users as they are seen below. Some variation may occur if your app has a custom OAuth experience.
r_emailaddress Use the primary email address associated with your LinkedIn account
openid Use your name and photoprofile Use your name and photo
r_liteprofile Use your name and photo
w_member_social Create, modify, and delete posts, comments, and reactions on your behalf
email Use the primary email address associated with your LinkedIn account

Thanks for your help
Last edit: 4 weeks 5 hours ago by olivus.