Topic-icon LinkedIn social login/registration error

1 month 1 week ago - 1 month 6 days ago #68988 by olivus
Hi Mel,
Hope all is well.

I have currently a Joomla 3.10.12 production site at that is running perfectly with JFBConnect 9.0.244 and SCLogin 9.0.244 leveraging LinkedIn & Facebook social login/registration buttons.

I try to migrate this site to Joomla 4

I'm using a staging site at for testing the Joomla 4 migration.
All the migration steps went well, but I am stalled with the JFBC/SCLogin Integration that is no longer working for LinkedIn. I don’t understand why the site loops for LinkedIn, while it’s working on the production site (see pic 1 & 2 in attachment)
JFBConnect : 9.1.76
SCLogin 9.1.82
Joomla : 4.4.6

Any help would be much appreciated,

I sent you credentials details via the contact form
Last edit: 1 month 6 days ago by olivus.
Support Specialist
1 month 6 days ago #68991 by mel
I just tried to log in with my LinkedIn credentials on your site. It did connect the user and login. I did not get a looping; however, I did get a "[403] Forbidden: ochStopDMR Not authorised." error. Can you disable the ochStopDMR plugin to see if the behavior that you are seeing continues?

Support Specialist
1 month 6 days ago #68992 by mel
Scratch that. I went to the wrong link. I didn't get a loop but a "Bummer, something went wrong" message. Can you double check that you've set the redirect URIs and other app to point at the new url's instead of the test site URLs?
1 month 6 days ago #68993 by olivus
Hi Mel,
Thanks for the reply
Yes the issue is with the test site :
As you noticed, the other link (with Joomla 3) is working but apparently with issue re ochStopDMR

Not sure I understand where I can update/set the redirect URIs and other app to point at the new url's instead of the test site URLs?

Are you able to connect via your Facebook details ?

I disabled the ochStopDMR plugin
can you please try again to login via your LinkedIn details

Thanks for your help
Support Specialist
1 month 6 days ago #68995 by mel

Not sure I understand where I can update/set the redirect URIs and other app to point at the new url's instead of the test site URLs?

Please follow our LinkedIn setup guide and make sure your app has the proper settings for "OAuth 2.0 Settings - Redirect URLs" with the instead of

I disabled the ochStopDMR plugin
can you please try again to login via your LinkedIn details

I was able to log in fine with my LinkedIn credentials on The only problem I'm having for LinkedIn is on

Are you able to connect via your Facebook details ?

On, the first time I attempted to Login with Facebook, it tried to bring me to our login register view, but the component wasn't displayed on the page. I clicked the button again and it said that it connected to Facebook, but got a "Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail" error and "Facebook profile successfully connected" success.
1 month 3 days ago #68999 by olivus
Hi Mel,
For the LinkedIn issue, I rechecked the authorized redirect URL's (as described in the LinkedIn setup guide). and are included (ie : pic in attachment)
I cleared all caches (Joomla, Server, Browser).
The issue remains and I can NOT connect/register via LinkedIn for (Joomla 4.4.6, JFBConnect 9.1.76)
While I can connect via LinkedIn for (Joomla 3.10.12, JFBConnect 9.0.244)
Any help would be much appreciated
Support Specialist
1 month 3 days ago #69002 by mel
The images aren't readable for me. Can you copy/paste the values for the application or send larger screenshots through our contact us form?
1 month 2 days ago - 1 month 2 days ago #69005 by olivus
Hi Mel,
Hope you can read attached larger screens
If not, please have a look on your inbox, as I sent yesterday via email these larger screens as well
Last edit: 1 month 2 days ago by olivus.
Support Specialist
1 month 2 hours ago #69006 by mel
Unfortunately not. Can you copy/paste the text instead?