Topic-icon Changing layout

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9 years 9 months ago #49446 by BrianJA
Changing layout was created by BrianJA
I was wondering how can I place the "Forgot Username?" and "Forgot Password?" links directly below the username and password fields using horizontal layout? Attached is a photo of how it looks now. Thanks!
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9 years 9 months ago #49451 by mel
Replied by mel on topic Changing layout
There is no attached screenshot. After you enter the filename and hit Upload, you have to click the green arrow to actually attach it to the post.

Edited to Add:
In general, if you have the Forgot Username and Password set up as Text Links and want them to show up in a different position than after the Login button, you will need to create a template override of the files: /modules/mod_sclogin/tmpl/joomlaLogin_horizontal.php and /modules/mod_sclogin/tmpl/joomlaLogin_vertical.php

To do this, find the call and move it to the desired location.
echo $helper->getForgotLinks();

This should get you going, but let us know if you run into any issues.
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9 years 9 months ago #49485 by BrianJA
Replied by BrianJA on topic Changing layout
Sorry, here it is! I found that code, but can't figure out how to put it directly under the username and password fields:
File Attachment:

I need them to look like the 2nd image, except where it says "keep me logged in", change it to "forgot username"
File Attachment:

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9 years 9 months ago #49502 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Changing layout
You'd need a combination of updates to the PHP (to put the Forgot Username and Forgot Password links right after each field), then, some CSS to push the links underneath the input boxes, instead of next to them.

If you get started on it and have a page we can look at, we should be able to help provide some assistance if you run into issues. Just let us know what you've tried and where you're getting stuck and we'll help however we can.

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9 years 9 months ago #49504 by mel
Replied by mel on topic Changing layout
I just saw your PM and checked out your site. It looks like you have it pretty close.

Just a couple styling suggestions to make it look closer to the FB screenshot.
* The SCLogin style block for ".sourcecoast .control-group" has a margin-bottom of 10px. You can set this to 0px to condense the spacing
* Updating your template CSS as the #s5_top_bar style block has a hardcoded height of 60px and should be larger to show those links in the same bar, like 80 or 90px.
* Then just go through condensing margins/paddings until you get it how you like it.

Looking good though and seems almost there :)

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9 years 9 months ago #49507 by BrianJA
Replied by BrianJA on topic Changing layout
I changed the margin-bottom to 0px, and set the height to 90px for now. It looks a little to high now, but will play with it once I get it working. I still can't get the links to go underneath though. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or have the "echo $helper->getForgotLinks();" in the wrong place? It's getting close, I just need to get the links to go under. Thanks for your help!
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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49509 by mel
Replied by mel on topic Changing layout
That's strange, when I visited your page before I sent the last response, the links were underneath the boxes. They were just out of the black background area and overlapping with the SportsHolla logo. When I made the temporary changes in the Developer Tools that I mentioned above, it looked good to me with them showing up properly. Wish I had taken a screenshot...

But yes, I don't see them at all right now in Chrome and I just see "echo $helper->getForgotLinks();" in Firefox, which needs to be in php tags by the way
<?php echo $helper->getForgotLinks();?>
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9 years 9 months ago #49510 by BrianJA
Replied by BrianJA on topic Changing layout
I was just trying different locations for the code, so it probably disappeared. I have been using internet explorer, and they have always been to the right of the button. Now, it is under the button, but needs to go to the left. I tried pasting it in other places, but then the entire page wouldn't show up.

Here is what it looks like now. It's really close, but needs to go left.
File Attachment:
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9 years 9 months ago #49511 by BrianJA
Replied by BrianJA on topic Changing layout
Here is the code how it is now. Right now, it is placed before the </div> and it looks like the attachment. If I place the code after the </div> It looks good in chrome, but in Explorer, it is to the right of the button. Is there a css code I can use to align the links to the right?

<button type="submit" name="Submit" class="btn btn-primary"><?php echo JText::_('MOD_SCLOGIN_LOGIN') ?></button>
<?php if ($showRegisterLinkInLogin) : ?>
<a class="btn" href="<?php echo $helper->registerLink; ?>"><?php echo JText::_('MOD_SCLOGIN_REGISTER_FOR_THIS_SITE'); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $helper->getForgotLinks(); ?>
<?php if (JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'remember')) :
<div class="control-group" id="form-sclogin-remember">
<label for="sclogin-remember">
<input id="sclogin-remember" type="checkbox" name="remember" class="inputbox" <?php echo $helper->getRememberMeValue();?> alt="Remember Me" />
<?php echo JText::_('JGLOBAL_REMEMBER_ME');?>
<?php }
{ ?>
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9 years 9 months ago #49514 by BrianJA
Replied by BrianJA on topic Changing layout
ok, I place the code under the </div> and it looks pretty good in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, but not in Explorer. Is there some css code I can place to force it below the form for Explorer?

Since there are a lot interested in this post, you can view it at (any browser but explorer)

You can also login with demo1 and demo1, and see how we added the user's name to the menu button. Still adjusting the margins, but It's pretty cool so far. The code to do that is in an older post of mine. You can view it at
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