Topic-icon Warning Registration failed: on new user registration

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Hi support team,
first of all thank for poviding such a great module, recently i am facing a problem with module and i.e
when a new user wanted to register, after filling entire registration form finally clicks on registration button and it throws an Error message like

Registration failed:

can you help to me to resolve it.

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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49422 by mel

Are you registering with the 'Register' button or link to create a Joomla user or are you registering with a social network?

If it's a Joomla user, then SCLogin is only redirecting to whatever component is set up in the 'Registration Component' option. We have no control over what happens when you use create the Joomla user this way. If you are using a third-party extension, you will need to contact those extension developers to resolve the issue.

If you're registering via a social network, then we will need more details such as what Social Profiles you have enabled, is Automatic Registration enabled, what fields are showing on the login/register page, etc before we can help narrow down the issue.

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