Topic-icon Problems with the Redirect after the Login

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9 years 9 months ago #49380 by danlüt
My Website is in english and also in german. After a succesful Login on the english site, the Redirect goes everytime back to the german-homepage and not to the site i would like.
can enybody help please?
thanks a lot
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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49382 by mel
There are a few different options for redirection that we provide, all of which involve pointing at a given menu item. In the JFBConnect component, New User Redirection and Returning User Redirection settings are for when users register or re-login with a social network. The Joomla Login Redirection URL setting is available in the SCLogin module and is used when a user logs in with Joomla credentials.

Using these settings should get you going, but please let us know if you have any questions to get it working.

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