Topic-icon Problem with potition of user menu and size of logout button

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First I'd like to thank you for a outstanding module. I LOVE it. it is just what I was looking for.

I have just a few minor problems i would like to see if you could help me with :)

nr 1. - The logout button is a bit big - could use to be like 35% shorter and I would really love it if I could shorten the padding from the bottom and top so it's closer to the menu and closer to the "Welcome *name* " text... - I suck at class suffix so maybe you could give me some pointers on that.

nr 2. - The User menu in drop down is not aligned with the logout button. it's few pix. higher then the logout button. is that fixable?

nr 3. - In the template I am using they have a special login/register links at the top right (you will see them on the site above your buttons in white) - Those are linked to the original joomla login module. If I remove them from the site I can not login on mobile devices using mobile view since your module does not show at this potition..
3 a) Is there a link I can use to link the popup module for login to the templates login link?
3 b) Is there a way for me that you can see to make it show in mobile view? Like I say if I remove the tempaltes login / register / logout links they also disapear in mobile view..

you can view the website here: - sorry it's partly in Icelandic

You can test the login module using this test account so you can see the problems :) -
username: test
password: test1

Best regards and thanks again for a good module :)
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Support Specialist
9 years 10 months ago #48829 by mel

nr 1. - The logout button is a bit big - could use to be like 35% shorter and I would really love it if I could shorten the padding from the bottom and top so it's closer to the menu and closer to the "Welcome *name* " text... - I suck at class suffix so maybe you could give me some pointers on that.

There's a style getting placed on this button from your template, so you need to overwrite some of the things it's setting.
.sclogin input[type="submit"].btn{
width:100px; /* or whatever size you want */
margin-top: 0px;

nr 3. - In the template I am using they have a special login/register links at the top right (you will see them on the site above your buttons in white) - Those are linked to the original joomla login module. If I remove them from the site I can not login on mobile devices using mobile view since your module does not show at this potition..
3 a) Is there a link I can use to link the popup module for login to the templates login link?
3 b) Is there a way for me that you can see to make it show in mobile view? Like I say if I remove the tempaltes login / register / logout links they also disapear in mobile view..

In the mobile view, you're showing the main menu in the sidebar. Is there a special position that you've put this module in? Basically, how did you get that module to show in the sidebar? Depending on how this was done, it might give me some ideas.

nr 2. - The User menu in drop down is not aligned with the logout button. it's few pix. higher then the logout button. is that fixable?

This looks like this is fixed with the above margin-top, but if it is not, then tweak that setting a little bit.

You can test the login module using this test account so you can see the problems current/smile -
username: test
password: test1

Before I read this, I created a 'sourcecoast' user. Oops. You can go ahead and delete that one.
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Hello Mel and thank you for your reply!

mel wrote: There's a style getting placed on this button from your template, so you need to overwrite some of the things it's setting.

.sclogin input[type="submit"].btn{
width:100px; /* or whatever size you want */
margin-top: 0px;

where am I supposed to put this code? I have tried in class suffix on your module but noting happens. also tried to put it in the custom.css file but still no difference.

mel wrote: In the mobile view, you're showing the main menu in the sidebar. Is there a special position that you've put this module in? Basically, how did you get that module to show in the sidebar? Depending on how this was done, it might give me some ideas.

This comes originaly like this with the template. all I know is that the login/register/logout buttons are located in a position called "Login" and "register" - I can not for some reason place your module in the position. I had to place your module in a position called "search" wich is just under the "login" potition.
Only way I can see that I could use your module on mobile view is if I create a completely new mobile menu and just have a link to "login" in the menu that directs users to a page that includes the login/register buttons from your module. but that's not ideal but will be my last resort if I cant get this sorted.

mel wrote: This looks like this is fixed with the above margin-top, but if it is not, then tweak that setting a little bit.

like stated above. not sure where and how to activate the above code.

You can test the login module using this test account so you can see the problems current/smile -
username: test
password: test1

Before I read this, I created a 'sourcecoast' user. Oops. You can go ahead and delete that one.

no problem :)

best regards
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Oohh and i just deleted the test account. no need to have that public. you can still access the site if you need with the account you created :)

Thanks again
Best regards
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Support Specialist
9 years 10 months ago #48835 by mel

where am I supposed to put this code? I have tried in class suffix on your module but noting happens. also tried to put it in the custom.css file but still no difference.

Look in the SCLogin module and see what the 'Theme' is set to. The css for that theme will be located in /media/sourcecoast/themes/sclogin/THEMENAME.css. I suggest copying this css file to the /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/mod_sclogin/themes directory with a new filename and setting the 'Theme' setting to the new name. This way, you don't lose any changes if you upgrade SCLogin in the future.

This comes originaly like this with the template. all I know is that the login/register/logout buttons are located in a position called "Login" and "register" - I can not for some reason place your module in the position. I had to place your module in a position called "search" wich is just under the "login" potition.

Instead of buttons, did you try setting the 'Modal Style' to Text and then placing in the Login position? I would need some more details on why the module in this position did not work. Maybe it's there, but is hidden or needs to be styled differently, etc.

Only way I can see that I could use your module on mobile view is if I create a completely new mobile menu and just have a link to "login" in the menu that directs users to a page that includes the login/register buttons from your module. but that's not ideal but will be my last resort if I cant get this sorted.

I think we need to answer the question of why the login position didn't work for the module. If you remove the templates' login and register links and re-add the SCLogin to that position, can you view the source and see what's showing up for SCLogin?
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Hello Mel

thank you for your time and reply

I belive I have found a suitable solution to my problems. I am hoping they will not give me some error later on.

I will post them here so maybe it may be of help to other rookies like me later on!

first what I did was to disable the login feature of the template - this got rid of the login/register links above your module in the header
this allso removed the login/register links in the mobile menu...
so I did the following:
I altered the responsive.css file for the template. in there I found that when screen is at 750px the search potition is set to display:none
I just removed that order so that the search potition is always visable no matter what screen with there is.
This makes it so that when I'm on mobile view I can still see the login/register button from your module on the header and it just so happens that it ligns up nicely under the logo on smallest screen sizes i can test on.
this way works LOVELY since now people can use the login pop up feature anywhere on mobile view AND they get the "welcome user" and the "user menu" on all pages in the header in mobile view.

I could not on the other hand sign your module to the login/register potition, I tried both with buttons and text links but nothing. but this seems to work this way so.. :) I just can't have the search feature on the search potition since it will owercrowd the corner if both modules use that potition. I just need to find a new potition for search :)

about the button size problem.. I tried to disable the logout button completely and I ended up loving that look even more. that made the "welcome user" and the user menu just apear next to each other (welcome user on top of the user menu) and I had already added a "log out" feature to the user menu so that works good ..

although while typing this I noticed a problem i'm having with this, that this seems to bug the mobile view when the mobile is tilted horizontally.. strange.. maybe just my phone. need to take a look at that.

anyways. I hope this will be of help to feature rookies in some way..

but I would like to thank you so much for all your help.

And here is my final question:
If I alter the langauge file for your module just using ftp and notepad.. will I need to edit the language file every time I update the module? Is there a better (easy) way to edit the language of modules? Like I say i'm a rookie. I have alraedy spent HOURS upon hours translating the joomla original language file and most language files for most modules.. without realicing the potential problem with updates later on....

best regards
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Support Specialist
9 years 10 months ago #48838 by mel
I am glad you found a solution that works how you want it. Of course my suggestions are just that - suggestions. With so many templates, components, and site configurations, what works for the majority may not work in everyone. I'd say go with what works for you.

At least for JFBConnect, we do have a translation project for JFBConnect managed in Transifex at If you'd like to request the Icelandic language translation for our project and be a contributor, I can approve that so you can upload your translation files. Then I will include them in the installation packages in upcoming releases.

We will add an issue to our tracker for managing language overrides better in a future release of JFBConnect. There is a system in place for Joomla, but I am not familiar enough with it yet and we don't take advantage of it yet. In the meantime, I'd recommend you make a copy of your language files before upgrading. It really depends on the extensions you're translating on whether they provide overrides or not.

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I will take a look at that thank you.
I wish I could afford the JFBConnect component. looks really nice. but sadly my budget for this project is less then you'd imagine since I got a 1 YO kid and a new house etc etc.
I will translate the login module eather way so if you want I can translate it through your system so it will follow in upcominng releases. but the JFBConnect takes probl. much more time and i'd have to look into that at a later time.

should I translate the Login module through that link you sent me or is there some other way for that? Do you need something more than just the language .ini file?

Best regards
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Support Specialist
9 years 10 months ago #48841 by mel
Actually, if you would be interested in translating the component and the other strings in the JFBConnect translation project, we can offer you a 6-month subscription to JFBConnect in exchange for the translation. Just let me know if you are interested.

Once you request the language and become a translator for that language in Transifex (through the link I provided), you should simply be able to upload the ini file to the 'Login Module' resource. Then for subsequent language string updates, you can use the built-in language translator or upload the new file. If you just want to do the SCLogin module, that's fine and I will include it in our releases.

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I'll pm you. thank you :)
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