Topic-icon Changing the menu being used in SCLogin drop-down once logged in

Active Subscriptions:

Hi there, great plug-in. I am wondering if there is a way to use a different menu that the "Main Menu" of a site in the SCLogin drop-down picker once a user has signed in. Currently my SCLogin is located on a public page and it redirects them to the members only page. But if the member doesn't log out and goes to "log in" again, they are faced with the public website dropdown menu, rather than the Members website menu. Is there a way to change this?

An image of the drop-down in question is attached.

Please let me know if you require further details to understand and thank you very much for your time.
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Support Specialist
I'm not really sure what you mean. There's only one menu item that the SCLogin module can be configured to show, and it will only show when the user has logged in. The SCLogin module doesn't have a way to show a menu item when the user is logged out.

I hope that helps explain a bit more, but if you still need more assistance, just let me know. Also, the image wasn't inserted into the post, so we can't see what you uploaded. Please use the attachments link and click the green arrow next to any images you want to show in the post.

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Active Subscriptions:

Hello and thanks for your response. I obviously didn't do a great job explaining myself, and missing the upload didn't help, I'm sure. I have inserted it correctly this time. I believe the image will explain what I am looking to do, but in case it doesn't, I wish to change the menu being displayed in SCLogin from what is being displayed to another that I have created. I hope those details make it more clear. Thank you!

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Active Subscriptions:

I was able to locate this, it was under the Logout options (as I am sure you are aware). Sorry for the bother and have a great day.
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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay in getting back to your earlier post today, but I am happy you were able to find the option you needed.
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