Topic-icon SOLVED - Logout items position

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9 years 11 months ago - 9 years 11 months ago #47553 by norfolkandway
When logged in, the 'welcome', 'logout button' and 'link to' buttons position in a way that I am unable to display them in a viewable manner

In an attempt to rectify this I have created a 2nd instance of the module so I now have one module for guests and another one for registered/logged in users
Wherever I position the logged in module I am unable to get it to display in a viewable way
Position - head search (This is the same position that I have the 'Guest' login module enabled. See Attachment
debug (hidden) and positioned in a megamenu module - See attachment
File Attachment:

File Attachment:

You can see that other modules do display correctly when used in megamenu , once logged in, (This is ideally where I would like this module to end up) here - Click Me > under the main menu >
Community > invite a friend
About > Watch the video

Any help in resolving this is much appreciated
Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by norfolkandway.
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9 years 11 months ago #47554 by norfolkandway

Sort of fixed it by selecting
Module - Advanced tab > Module Style > FeatureRow
This postions the text in the module position but the 'social network' link to buttons still fall outside of the menu holder.

I shall keep looking

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