Topic-icon Another modal issue - Sorry

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9 years 11 months ago #47281 by norfolkandway
I upgrade SClogin yesterday to current version and since that time the modal box is small and only displays the text, no login features
Was all working before upgrade

NB - I also have had an odesk support add a module position for me, it may well be this that has caused the issue but may not be so I do not wish to lay the blame with him just yet in case update SCLogin is the issue
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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #47379 by alzander
First, I'm very sorry for missing this post. We always intend to get to posts within 24 hours (max) and somehow, this one slipped through the cracks.

I just tried to go to your page, but it's in Offline mode. Is there any way you can put the site online or Private Message me admin credentials so that we can temporarily put it online to test? You can PM me by clicking the mail icon under my picture to the left.

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9 years 11 months ago #47399 by norfolkandway
PM sent and site now online
RE - PM, I have now sorted socialshare display
Problem with login modal still exists though
I have added
div#login-modal {
bottom: inherit;
into media/sourcecoast/themes/sclogin/default.css following an earlier support you kindly gave to me.

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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #47452 by alzander
I'm really unsure what's coming together to make your SCLogin module not play nice. The bottom:inherit setting seems to be causing more issues than it's worth.

If you update that CSS to the following, the login area will show. It should be necessary to set the height, and there are still some CSS issues, but try this out and it should be usable. Then, let me know any other fixes you'd like to implement:
div#login-modal {
bottom: initial;
height: 325px;
I hope that helps!
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9 years 11 months ago #47459 by norfolkandway
Hi Alex,

Wonderful, Added and now looking good again

Many thanks
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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #47470 by alzander
No problem. I'm glad to help. Again, if you run into issues, or want some help tweaking things further, just let me know.

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