Topic-icon changing order of greeting & logout button

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I was having a little trouble changing the order of the divs sclogin-greeting & sclogout-button in the file logout.php - are you able to give me the replacement code for this (sorry its not my strong point!)

also can I create an override file for this and can you give me instructions on where this should reside?

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Support Specialist
10 years 1 week ago #46951 by alzander
You're looking for a "Template Override". To do that, copy the /modules/mod_sclogin/tmpl/logout.php file to /templates/<YOUR_TEMPLATE>/html/mod_sclogin/logout.php . Then, edit the file there so that updates to the module don't override your customizations to the layout.

To do what you're looking for, I think you should just need to copy the following line:
echo '<div class="sclogin-greeting">' . JText::sprintf('MOD_SCLOGIN_WELCOME', $name) . '</div>';
To the section below:

if ($params->get('showUserMenu'))
echo '<div class="sclogin-greeting">' . JText::sprintf('MOD_SCLOGIN_WELCOME', $name) . '</div>';
if ($params->get('showUserMenu'))
Of course, test and make sure that does what you're looking for. If you need more assistance though, just let me know.

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