Topic-icon Login link same row as Main Menu

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10 years 1 week ago #46927 by secloo

I just installed SCLogin, and I couldn't find a way to have my login link display like the one you guys are having.
That is same row in the main menu at the top.
Kindly enlighten me~
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 week ago #46940 by alzander
The SCLogin module on this site is placed into a module position that our template has in the top row. We aren't using a Joomla menu to place the Login | Register links there, we're using the SCLogin module directly. In it, we've simply configured it to use a modal popup and show text links for Login | Register.

I hope that helps explain, but if you have any other questions, just let me know.

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10 years 1 week ago #47014 by secloo
Dear alzander,

Thanks for the reply~
So meaning you are using a template with a top right position to allow allocating the SClogin module?
In order for me to do so I need to search for a template with such position?

Thank you
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 week ago #47030 by alzander
Our template just has a module position in the top 'bar' area up there. In there, we've assigned 2 modules:
* Menu module - This is the 'main menu' shown up there
* SCLogin module - This is the login module

They're both in the same module position. If there was a different module position for top left vs top right, that could work as well too. Basically, you'll just want a way to display modules at the top of your page.

Of course, if you're using a template, there are some fixed things in it that you may have to investigate or alter. Some minor CSS may be required as well to position things exactly how you want.

I hope that helps explain,
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