Topic-icon Login without reload page! Maybe ajax or something?

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This is really bad, when user login and page reload. I see now, more users not login on my site, when i'm install SCLogin.

Previously i'm use " Core Design Login " and people love this login button without reload page. Now, people not login on my site.
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 weeks ago #46907 by alzander
I'm not sure what you're looking for here. The login modules in Joomla must redirect the user through Joomla's authentication process. The page must also reload in some way as many modules will change based on if the user is actually logged in or not. There isn't a way in Joomla to refresh a set of modules, you refresh the whole page. With AJAX, we could update the SCLogin module to show that the user has logged in, but no other content on the page would be updated, which would likely confuse the user until they navigate to a new page or refresh the current one.

Looking at the module you linked to, I don't see any reference to it performing an AJAX authentication or anything of that sort. It just seems like an alternately styled login module. Can you point me to any information on what you're talking about?

Also, how do you know users aren't logging in? Just curious as to what your metric is and how you're analyzing it.

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