Topic-icon Show user image/name in drop-down menu?

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10 years 2 weeks ago #46820 by LeGiangAnh
Hello Alex,

Is there any way to show the user profile image and user name in dropdown menu like this:

Giang Anh
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 weeks ago #46823 by alzander
No, not right now. We're planning some updates to the SCLogin module to be able to have a more compact view like that with a drop down. The next release (due in September) will have an option to show the user menu and have the title be the user's name, instead of the menu name itself.

After that, we'll be working on improved themes and layouts for the future releases.

I hope that helps, and thanks for the suggestions,
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10 years 2 weeks ago #46825 by LeGiangAnh
What's a pity! Having the user image could be a great feature. I see that you have it in normal style (not modal style) already.
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 weeks ago #46832 by alzander
We agree it'd be a nice feature and I can see doing it in the future. It's just not available now. Hopefully with the 6.3 release of JFBConnect (later this year) some of the new themes we're planning will have what you're looking for.

Thanks for the feedback,
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10 years 2 weeks ago #46833 by LeGiangAnh
Great! Thank you Alex
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