Topic-icon [idea] no pop-up login. but this is still only 1 Button.

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10 years 3 weeks ago - 10 years 3 weeks ago #46760 by alechu

i'm really like this is LOGIN, like on site BFM . Go via mobile phone and click on "Войти" button and see this login form! This is better, than pop-up login and no problem with visible (and visible more social buttons).

please add this option in next version!
Last edit: 10 years 3 weeks ago by alechu.
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Support Specialist
The JFBConnect 'popup' isn't a separate popup window. It's fully customizable with CSS and you could make it look like the image you posted above with a little work. We have a full theming system for the SCLogin module which you can use to create, or override, the styles and layout for our popup however you'd like it to look and work. For more information, see:

We have plans to add additional themes for our SCLogin module, in addition to the 'SourceCoast' and 'Default' themes available right now.

I hope that helps, and if you come up with some good styles or layouts that you like, please feel free to share them back to us.

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