Topic-icon Show connect with social network on Menu

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10 years 1 month ago #46371 by LeGiangAnh

I am able to add Contect with social networks button on Module via SC Login + user menu
However, if I add display user menu directly, the social button won't appear:
Could you please help me to solve this?

Giang Anh
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46382 by alzander
We don't currently have a way to show the connect buttons in anywhere but the user menu within the SCLogin module. We're investigating possible ways to make the Connect buttons available in standard Joomla menu items, but don't have anything like that available now.

You can add the connect buttons using the {JFBCLogin show_reconnect=true} tag anywhere on your site as well, which may help you do what you're looking for.

I hope that helps,
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