Topic-icon How can I get the same Login | Register as on your website

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10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 1 month ago #46182 by giandornellas

I really like the Login | Register that you have on your website's nav bar.

How could I get the same effect? (I realize that the drop-down (after login) is a custom menu, but I can't figure out how to get the Login | Register it a module or a menu?

Perhaps, the easiest way to start off with, would be to put the login module in an existing position to ensure I get the same effect. Then, I would need to probably modify my template (Kallyas) in order to add a custom position in the nav bar. If I do so, what code would I need to insert?

Your help is much appreciated!


I got a "good enough" look 'n feel for now...will not require further assistance.
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by giandornellas.
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Support Specialist
I know you edited the post to say you got a 'good enough'. I'll still explain what we do :)

The top right of our site is using the SCLogin module. We've set it to display a Modal popup when the Login button is clicked and we've configured the module to use text links, instead of buttons. That's all that's necessary to show the login area up there.

When a user is logged in, the SCLogin is still showed. There's an option in the Logout section for showing a "User Menu". With that, you can choose to show any Joomla menu you've configured on your site. We do have some additional styles specific to this site, but it's not crazy styles that we couldn't help you with if you had some questions.

So, in general, nothing special up there.. just the SCLogin module. We realize there are a lot of options in the module, which can make it hard to find the configuration that may work best for you.

If you have any questions or general feedback, just let us know!

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