Topic-icon Modal popup conflict with site template

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10 years 1 month ago #46107 by w.harlow
Building a site using SCLogin and JA Purity III site template. I had SClogin installed with a different template and it worked perfectly, then I changed the template and installed Modules Anywhere to insert SCLogin into Purity's "jumbotron" module. Now the modal popup is shoved over to the left side and the background is gone. It functions fine, it just doesn't look at all good.

After searching the forum, I've narrowed my issue down to a conflict between SClogin's CSS and my site template's, but the exact cause is eluding me. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46139 by alzander
I'm not sure why, but a few lines of the Javascript that the SCLogin module should be inserting in the page isn't there. As a quick check, I'd enable the "Include jQuery / Bootstrap" setting in the SCLogin module. That should fix the problem.

Let me know how that goes, and we can proceed from there.

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10 years 1 month ago #46146 by w.harlow
Thank you for taking a look. I've enabled JQuery in SCLogin, but it completely breaks the module.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46153 by alzander
Something strange is happening. The Javascript file that should be included (jq-bootstrap.js) isn't being included on the page. Before, a different block of Javascript wasn't being included (and it still isn't included now).

So, something is preventing our SCLogin module from properly altering the output on the page by adding our Javascript files.

I'm not sure what that is, but you'll need to investigate further. Some things to check:
* If you have caching enabled (in Joomla, in your template, or anywhere else), try disabling it
* If you have 'optimization' settings in your template enabled or other plugins to speed up your site, disable them.
Test other settings and see what happens.

Sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you, but hopefully the above helps.

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10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 1 month ago #46163 by w.harlow
I went through the site and made sure caching was disabled (it was before). Nothing else (that I can access easily) is loading JQuery as an option. Modules Anywhere had an option to alter how IT handles caching and I enabled that, and disabled loading JQuery in SCLogin (because re-enabling it made the form not load). The odd-looking form is back, this time with the Login button stretched entirely across the screen.

So, caching is disabled everywhere I can find a setting, loading of JQuery is disabled in SCLogin, and the caching done by Modules Anywhere is handled at the article level (which the tooltip says should help with CSS/JS loading issues).

Here's the JQuery report from JomSocial:

And the list of Joomla! plugins from JomSocial:

I'll admit my expertise is in CSS and a little PHP - JS is a foreign language to me. :|

EDIT TO ADD: the Authentication - EMail plugin is to allow site users to login with either their username or email address.
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by w.harlow.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46165 by alzander
Ahh.. Modules Anywhere may be part of the problem. I'm unsure how that would be affecting things, but if you're not using the standard way to insert a module into a normal module position, it may be preventing some of our code that's supposed to insert code into the head of the document.

Can you try loading the SCLogin module into a standard module position and not using Modules Anywhere, just to see if that fixes the issue? If so, you may need to contact the NoNumber developers to determine why things aren't working properly when using Modules Anywhere.

I hope that helps,
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10 years 1 month ago #46166 by w.harlow
I really appreciate your help in narrowing down the issue. Loading SCLogin into a normal module position does bring up the modal window again, though with a few styling issues. I'll see what I can find out from the NoNumbers folks and post back what I find out.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46167 by alzander
No problem for the help, it's what we do. The issue, specifically, is that the following line of code from our helper.php file isn't being used properly to insert a little bit of Javascript into your head section. Hopefully, that will help determine the actual cause:
$this->doc->addScriptDeclaration('if (typeof jfbcJQuery == "undefined") jfbcJQuery = jQuery;');
That code is what enables the SCLogin module to perform jQuery and Bootstrap queries on the page using either the jQuery/Bootstrap library that is already loaded on the page or our special version of those files. Without that code, a lot of our functionality won't work.

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