Topic-icon 'Connect to' icons

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10 years 1 month ago #46099 by norfolkandway
In this site the 'connect to' icons display nicely in the 'My account' drop down
How would I present mine in the same way, I cannot see a way to place them in another area
On my site they are buttons underneath the login button
Ideally I would not place them in the drop down menu as I have this set to 'Vendor' access only
Any ideas on how to locate them in a different menu would be ideal.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46114 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic 'Connect to' icons
The way to locate them in the SCLogin drop-down menu is very specific to our module. To do so, you set the SCLogin module to display any Joomla menu you've created. Then, if there's an "External Link" menu item with a URL of 'scconnect', the SCLogin module will change that into the connect buttons automatically. The same works for a direct logout link with the URL of 'sclogout'.

There's no way to include the connect buttons in other menu items right now. That may be something we add in the future, but it's only being investigated right now.

The other recommendation I'd have is to include the following tag wherever you want the connect buttons to show:
{JFBCLogin show_reconnect=true image=icon.png}
That will show the connect buttons to logged in users, but will also show the standard login buttons when the user isn't logged in.

I hope that gives you some ideas and gets you started. if you need more help or other suggestions, just let me know, and we'll gladly try to help further.

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10 years 1 month ago #46122 by norfolkandway
Replied by norfolkandway on topic 'Connect to' icons
Thank you for info
I have now added the icons to the vendors menu

Would there be a problem with duplicating the login module, selecting a different menu, created just for this with the external url, for the show user menu.

I have set this up on my site so I have 2 x login/out modules
1 for vendors displayed on all pages visible to vendors and the 2nd instance visible to registered users but only in their profile page
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46125 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic 'Connect to' icons

Would there be a problem with duplicating the login module, selecting a different menu, created just for this with the external url, for the show user menu.

Nope, not at all. Having a different SCLogin module for users that are logged in vs ones that are logged out, or for whatever reason, is perfectly fine. Sites can run with as many instances of the SCLogin module as you want :)

Of course, if you actually run into issues, just let us know. We'll gladly help get you going however we can.

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10 years 1 month ago #46127 by norfolkandway
Replied by norfolkandway on topic 'Connect to' icons
Most excellent

Thank you Alex, This will be the solution I use then

Thanks again for great product equaled only by your support
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46131 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic 'Connect to' icons
I'm glad we could help and that you have a solution that's working for you. If you need anything else, just let me know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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