Topic-icon Cannot style login text in menu

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10 years 2 months ago #45472 by Dtorr1981
Hi All, this is a great module, thank you :)

I have implemented the modal text login into my top menu, but no matter what i do i cannot seem to get it to behave like the rest of the menu items? i have copied the css into my template directory as per the instructions on this site and have made some amendments to that but just cant seem to get anything to change. I'm at a bit of a loss. The text colour seems to have been inherited however the hover color, and the alignment is still a problem. Is there any way to inherit the properites from the menu?

Here is a link to a test site if required:
My Site

any help would be most appreciated.

Best Regards
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 months ago #45497 by alzander
I see the Login button in the top menu bar and also in the right menu bar. Both look to be trying to call the SCLogin modal popup, but neither are working. I'm not sure why, but some of the Javascript the SCLogin module should be including isn't on the page.

Can you try to enable the "Include jQuery / Bootstrap" setting to see if that helps the issue?

After that, we can gladly try to help with the CSS issues. However, can you let me know how you're including those login buttons in the menu in the first place? That's not using the normal module inclusion, which is why you're likely having issues with the CSS.

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10 years 2 months ago #45503 by Dtorr1981
Hi Alex, thank you for your response.

I am using noNumber modules anywhere to include the login text in the menu. I found something regarding this in one of the posts on the forum. Is there a better way to allow the login box to popup by clicking a link on the menu?

The reason why the pop up box wasn't appears was due to me not having the module published to a particular position ( i was doing some testing and forgot to set the position). I have now included a text login in position 'advert' which enables the text login on the menu to open the popup.

Thank you in advance
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10 years 2 months ago #45508 by Dtorr1981
Hi, me again, after close scrutiny i have decided against the login link in the main menu and have opted to place it on my forum pages only.

I am still facing a slight css styling issue however reagrding the position of the login button and also the user greeting/logout button.

At present they are aligned to the left however i would like to align them right. Using float:right does not provide a solution. Could you possibly advise which part of the css i should alter to correct this? If you wish to see the issue here are some test credentials:


Best Regards
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