Topic-icon Need help to use SC Login

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10 years 2 months ago #45452 by andeli

First of all sorry for my english (not my first language) and just want to say thank you for the free module !
I have a Question regarding the module, I've installed the module und have tried the module and its works (The standard use of the module : publish the module, set the position, and assign to all menu).
But what I want to accomplish is something similar to your website. You assign your SCLogin Module to your menu item (link) on the top right of your website. How can I do this in my site ? Because if I create a new menu item, I don't see SC Login Option. Is there any URL to SC Login Module so maybe I can use the URL Menu-Type to link it to SC Login ?

The other question is, if I have a restricted pages (for registered member only), and in the public pages I want to provide a link to this private pages. They can click on the link to the private (restricted) pages. If they not registered yet or not signed in then is it possible to set the SC Login Module to pop up so they can login and then after they log in or registered, they are automaticly being redirected to the restricted page they want to see ?

Thank you in advance
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 months ago #45466 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Need help to use SC Login
The top right of our page is the SCLogin module. It's not a Joomla menu / menu item. To make it appear like a Menu, we used the following settings:
* Layout View Settings - Modal Popup (This has the SCLogin module only show Login and Register buttons)
* Modal Style - Text (This makes the SCLogin module show those buttons as standard text links)

After you do that, you can place the SCLogin module in any standard module position. You may need some additional CSS to make the Login / Register links fit into your design and look like a menu, if that's what you want.

If they not registered yet or not signed in then is it possible to set the SC Login Module to pop up so they can login and then after they log in or registered, they are automaticly being redirected to the restricted page they want to see ?

No. That's something we may try to add as a feature in the future. It's very difficult to do though. When the page is created, the SCLogin module would have to check every link to see if it's going to private content, which is not something that Joomla makes easy to do. We like the idea, but it's simply not possible right now.

I hope that helps explain, but if you have any other questions, just let me know. Your English is very good, by the way. No need to apologize!

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10 years 2 months ago - 10 years 2 months ago #45471 by andeli
Replied by andeli on topic Need help to use SC Login
Hello Alex,
Thank you for the quick reply.
YES your explanation is very helpful now I can build something similar using the SCLogin Module. Thanks.

I don't know if it helps if you want to implement the function that I asked earlier or maybe you already knew about this behaviour:

I noticed, that if you have a link and you link it directly to your restricted article page like this :
you are being redirected to a page with an error message: "You are not allowed to ......"
if you link it to your menu item (create a menu item that linked to a single article - only for registered members) like this
, you are automatically being redirect to a login page. The downside is that the redirection of this login module from Joomla is static and not dynamic.

Maybe you can use the error message as a trigger to launch the SCLogin module ? I don't understand the technical implementation in Joomla so it is just an idea.

Thanks you again for the explanation. I really appreciate it.
Last edit: 10 years 2 months ago by andeli.
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 months ago #45481 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Need help to use SC Login
Thanks for the info on the links. The idea is something we have on our to-do list to investigate, and that information may help. Don't expect a solution real soon though :)

I'm glad the styling information helped. If you need anything else, just let us know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for SCLogin, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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