Topic-icon SC Login Password / registration confirmation screen

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10 years 2 months ago - 10 years 2 months ago #45323 by lani

I am using the SC Login at

I need to have the password / registration confirmation screen bypassed when a new user signs up, as it is very important the the successful login redirect I have set appears right away.

I see this posted for SC Login product info...
* Improved two-factor authentication that asks for a separate password only from those users who have it configured

and yet I do not see where I can turn this off/on in the Module.

any solutions?

thanks! :D

Last edit: 10 years 2 months ago by lani.
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 months ago #45339 by alzander

I need to have the password / registration confirmation screen bypassed when a new user signs up, as it is very important the the successful login redirect I have set appears right away.

The SCLogin module uses the standard Joomla registration process. We can't alter that process as the SCLogin module is not what is actually performing the registration. We just provide a nice front-end for the login process and let Joomla handle the login and registration process, as it already does.

If you don't want to use activation or confirmation, I'd recommend:
a) Disabling that in the User Manager area of Joomla so that user's don't have to activate their account. Without activation though, you'll likely get a large amount of fake/spammy account signups.
b) Use JFBConnect for social network integration. When installed, a user can register using Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Github or VK and have their account automatically created on your site and they'll be automatically logged in. Additionally, since those networks have already verified the user's emails, you don't need to do that, so your users have a vastly improved registration process.

* Improved two-factor authentication that asks for a separate password only from those users who have it configured

The two factor authentication is separate from what you're asking about above. 2 factor authentication is when there is a special 'code' for your users to enter along with their standard user password. When you use the SCLogin module, when the user enters their username and password, the SCLogin module will immediately check if the user has 2 factor authentication enabled for their account and, if so, the username/password form will change to show the 'code' field.

I hope that helps explain, but if you have any other questions, just let me know.

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10 years 2 months ago #45349 by lani
hi Alex .. thanks for this, yes I do see that this is Joomlas config for user registration. The problem is not with the Activation process, just with the 'Edit Profile' coming up for the first time a user logs in.. very annoying, as its supposed to go to the page I have set to redirect. Otherwise people dont know what to do next if they dont see the redirect page.

I did try turning off the activation just to see and I still get the Edit profile after logging in... am I missing something?

RE: two-factor authentication ... I still dont see where this option is? front end? back end? thanks!

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10 years 2 months ago #45350 by lani
one more note... I do see a 'Registration component' in the SCLogin option, which includes, Community Builder, EasySocial, JomSocial, etc... would this provide a solution?
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10 years 2 months ago #45355 by alzander

The problem is not with the Activation process, just with the 'Edit Profile' coming up for the first time a user logs in.. very annoying, as its supposed to go to the page I have set to redirect.

Does the Edit Profile page always come up first, or only on their first login? It sounds like there's another plugin that's forcing the redirection to the edit profile - either because the profile isn't complete or some sort of verification. Check your System and User plugins and see if any may be trying to do what I describe.

one more note... I do see a 'Registration component' in the SCLogin option, which includes, Community Builder, EasySocial, JomSocial, etc... would this provide a solution?

No. That setting simply changes the "Register a new account" and Forgot Password type links to those extensions. It wouldn't affect the login. That's controlled completely by the Joomla Login Redirection setting.

RE: two-factor authentication ... I still dont see where this option is? front end? back end? thanks!

There isn't a setting for this in the SCLogin module. Two factor authentication is configured through the plugin system to enable your 2 factor authentication provider. For a better description on what the SCLogin module will do automatically when two factor authentication is enabled on your site, see our Improved two factor authentication login for Joomla blog post.

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10 years 2 months ago #45374 by lani
The "Edit User Password" screen comes up only on first login, after activation. I have thoroughly searched all plugins and User management in Joomla's administration, and I cannot find any plugins that might turn this off and on.... darn frustrating, as it is completely impeding the whole login and registration process for the JS Jobs module and assigning the correct roles via that module. hmmmmm..... do I need yet another plugin I wonder?
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10 years 2 months ago #45382 by alzander
My guess is that you don't need yet another plugin. Something is causing the redirection. What I'd recommend is:
* Test logging in with the standard mod_login module. If that redirects to the Edit Profile page, it indicates the SCLogin module is not related at all.
* Then, start start disabling as many system and user plugins as you can that you have added to the site. Try to leave only the 'core' Joomla plugins enabled.
* Test the login process again to see if the issue goes away. If so, enable plugins one by one until it works.

Alternatively, try to setup a new 'clean' Joomla installation and configure the standard registration however you want. Then, see if the issue arises. If not, start adding the extensions you have on your current site until the issue appears. That will narrow things down as well.

Thats my best suggestion for now as I don't know what would be causing your issue. Feel free to post back with your results.

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10 years 2 months ago #45401 by lani
hi, again Alex... yes, I agree the problem lies with the Joomla User and Registration management, and SC Login piggybacks on the Joomla function, so I've been unable to solve the problem.

Unfortunately, Joomla is ignoring the redirect I set in the SCLogin module and forcing a redirect to the Edit Profile screen on first login, which totally interferes with the JS Jobs and the ability of the member to choose their Role.

See the attached screenshot.

I have searched all system and user plugins, modules, and components, and
File Attachment:

tried turning off a couple Joomla options to see what is causing this and nothing has worked. I have now installed another module called Community Builder which handles user registration and it does work, as I understand it overrides the Joomla user management.

thanks for your support and if anyone does have an answer how to turn off Joomla's Edit User profile screen, on login , I would like to know! :)

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Support Specialist
10 years 2 months ago #45405 by alzander
There isn't an option in Joomla to do redirect to the Edit Profile screen. Again, something on your site is doing that, but I have no clue what it is from your description.

Community Builder is a huge extension for managing profiles and doing lots of other stuff that is very excessive for simply preventing the redirection your talking about. It adds a lot of weight and may cause other issues. However, if it has features you want and works for you, go for it. SCLogin actually has built-in functionality to work with CB, so they should play nice together.

I wish you the best of luck,
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