Topic-icon User avatar (left-right position), "login via" text, hide soc. buttons

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10 years 3 months ago - 10 years 3 months ago #44943 by alechu
1) User Avatars on my site now:

but we need option move this avatar to left or right position, like on picture:

2) Connect with social networks [buttons]. This is need to hide in "User Menu"!! But not after menu.

we need it, like on picture:

or like on your site:

3) Option for different size for social buttons, on "login page", and "user menu page". for example - i need big social buttons on Login page, and need small social buttons on user menu - connect with another social networks.

4) We need option for pop-up login, add text like "Login via" before social buttons. I see this text on many sites. (russian text: "Войти через")

5) problem with colours in user menu. i know about 2 styles, but both of styles not resolve this problem
Default style is OK, but colour scheme is bad.

Sourcecoast style have problem with "mouseover" click and this is very BIG BUTTON!!!

Sourcecoast style in login have some problem with colours:

i think all this problem you can solve
Last edit: 10 years 3 months ago by alechu.
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