Topic-icon OFF Canvas Icon on Mobile Devices instead off Button

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10 years 3 months ago - 10 years 3 months ago #44412 by testcouch
hello, how can i show something like a OFF-Canvas Icon instead of Login and Register Button on Mobile Devices? i get issues if i show both Button on Top in Horizontal View..thanks for your help

SC Version: 4.0.6
Joomla 2.5.20
Last edit: 10 years 3 months ago by testcouch.
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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #44417 by alzander
Can you explain more about what you mean for 'off-canvas'? Do you want something that hovers in the side or top of the page, or some other method for the login/register buttons to be activated. Right now, we likely don't have a feature like you're looking for, but we'll gladly help investigate or help implement something if we can.

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hello Alex,

yes something like a Icon for responsive mobile view, wich hovers the page to right, left side or to top if we click on it. after click we get the login and register options. here you can play a bit with the width of screen and you will see what i mean.

or we get the modal popup if we click on the showed responsive mobile view icon.

would be perfect if we could also define in backend from wich (width: px) our two Button (Login/Register) changed to one mobile icon.

thanks for your help
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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #44924 by alzander
Sorry for the delayed response. We've been looking at UI Kit's Off Canvas Javascript library for a future release of SCLogin. Unfortunately, I haven't done enough investigation to let you know how easy it would be to implement. We have it on our to-do list to determine for an SCLogin release late this summer.

Until then, the Modal popup does have some responsive code built-in so that it resizes according to the user's browser width. It is not responsive in that fields will hide depending on the width or that the login form can show on desktop sizes whereas just the button (for the popup) will show on smaller windows. That's the best we have right now, but are always looking to improve things further.

We do appreciate your feedback and hopefully we'll have what you're looking for in a few months.

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