Topic-icon How to use SSL (Encrypt login form) only to send login data?

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I've searched this forum and I've gone through settings and even looked into the code. I have found out that there is an option in the settings to "Encrypt Login Form". So I put it on but I am not sure if anything has happened. Our site owns a ssl (https) certificate but we don't want it to be on on regular web pages. We do want to use it for logging in users though.

So, right now, if I turn the option on, I can login and loggout but the site is still appearing the same - regular http - which is good! But how do I know the data really get encrypted while being sent?

I do not have knowledge of php but I've gone through the code and found this function:

function showSecurely()
$uri = JURI::getInstance();
$scheme = $uri->getScheme();
return $scheme == 'https';

It was commented and I haven't found anywhere in the code calling this function. Is there really an encrypting functionality?

It's important for our company to get an answer to that.

Thank you,
Jan Knettig
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Support Specialist
To check, open the HTML on the page that you've enabled the SCLogin module. If you search the code for "sclogin-form", you should find a line like:
<form action="" method="post" id="sclogin-form93">
The 'action' URL is what you want to look at. If it starts with https, you're golden as that form will be submitted to the https (secure) URL shown. If it shows as http:// the form will be submitted in plain-text.

I hope that helps, but if you have any questions, just let me know!

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