Topic-icon sclogin popup shows and immediatly hides

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10 years 4 months ago #43735 by wdamedia
Since the new 3.3 update the sclogin shows, and hides immediatly. Is this normal?
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Support Specialist
10 years 4 months ago #43744 by alzander
The issue looks to be that there are 2 inclusions of the Bootstrap Javascript library. One is /media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js and the other is in your compressed Javascript file /plugins/system/helix/js/bootstrap.min.js

The Bootstrap Javascript library should only be loaded one time on the page. Multiple loads can cause conflicts.

For cases like this, we recommend going to the JFBConnect -> Configuration area and enabling the "Include jQuery / Bootstrap" setting. It may sound contrary to what I said above, but our version of jQuery / Bootstrap is specifically targeted toward JFBConnect and the SCLogin module and won't conflict (or be conflicted with) other inclusions.

I hope that helps,
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