Topic-icon Login Button Cannot change color

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10 years 4 months ago #43650 by vetgps
Hi there,

I am using SCLogin on joomla 3.3 and framework wright.
I know that i could change the color in the /media/sourcecoast/sc_bootstrap.css in changing line 2630 with the .sourcecoast .btn-primary .btn {
However, if i do it there, at the next update i will loose my work that is why i would prefer using a kind of custom.css
So where is the custom.css i should use? I tried in /media/sourcecoast/custom.css then in template/js_wright/css/custom.css and also in template/js_wright/wright/css/custom.css with no success...

Please help i would like to change to these colors from 0088cc and 0044cc to (#9ea3b7) (#6976a5)

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Support Specialist
10 years 4 months ago #43660 by alzander
No, don't edit the sc_bootstrap.css file. It's hard to read and will be overwritten.

The SCLogin module has a built-in method to override our theme files. For more information on how, check out our Joomla Login Themes documentation.

Mainly, you want to copy the theme your using from the SCLogin parameters (either default or sourcecoast) from /media/sourcecoast/themes/sclogin/ to /templates/<YOUR_JOOMLA_TEMPLATE>/html/mod_sclogin/themes/

Then, edit away in that file. Your changes won't be overwritten, but you should make sure that you incorporate any changes in our theme files from the next update to make sure you don't miss out on some new styles.

I hope that helps explain, but if you have any questions, let me know!

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