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10 years 5 months ago - 10 years 5 months ago #43133 by norrud
LogoutLink was created by norrud

i'm looking for a solution to provide a direct (!) Logout Link in the user menu which is only available for registered users. SCLogin Module is visible only for guests and after login SCLogin Modul will be hidden and the user menu will be shown. So, logged in uses can logout only in the user menu which is only shown after a successful login. I've created for that a new Menuitem "Logout" (as an external link), as I read this many times here.

I read nearly anything about that in this forum, but obviously I doesn't understand it really :/
It should be reached with an external link with target sclogout. I've tried this with http:<joomladom>/index.php?sclogout but this doesn't work. Or is this only possibly if SC Login is visible?

EDIT: Another try was to setup an Article with {loadposition sclogoutpos}, added SCLogin module with an unbound position sclogoutpos and linked this article to the user menĂ¼ logout item. This does the job, but in this case the user has to push Logout-Button again :/

Where is my misunderstanding in this workflow?
Last edit: 10 years 5 months ago by norrud.
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #43155 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic LogoutLink
The 'sclogout' menu item should be created as an external link type of menu item. The link itself should just be 'sclogout'.

However, that feature *only* works with the SCLogin module when you are showing it to logged in users and have chosen to show a "User Account Menu" in the SCLogin settings. Joomla itself doesn't have a direct-link logout menu item, unfortunately, which is why we implemented it in our module. If you aren't using our module for logged in users, you won't be able to take advantage of that feature.

We use the direct link logout button on this site. The My Account menu above is a standard Joomla menu being shown in the SCLogin module. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but you should be able to make our SCLogin menu integrate well into your site.. hopefully :)

I hope that helps explain,
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