Topic-icon Modal popup not working

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10 years 5 months ago #42717 by marzam
Hi i've installed SCLogin on my 2.5.16 joomla site but modal popup not working in any site position.
You can see the issue: Telecomando originale
I search in the forum for the same problem and i found a lot of topic, each with different solutions, i try some of those but no one works for me.
Thanks for your help
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #42732 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Modal popup not working
Please go to the Advanced parameters area of the SCLogin module and enable the "Include jQuery" setting. That should hopefully get you going. If not, please let us know and we'll gladly investigate further.

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10 years 5 months ago - 10 years 5 months ago #42747 by marzam
Replied by marzam on topic Modal popup not working
Thanks, works for me!
1)How can integrate SCLogin with my hikashop commerce? From hikashop documentation i found:

Then, you can edit the file "registration" of the view "user" via the menu Display->Views of HikaShop and add the tag {JFBCLogin} right at the beginning of the file.

but it'a about using JFBCLogin;
2)if i'm registering via Facebook system give me user and pass, it is customizable by users or defalt? The next time i log in via Facebook it gives me another user and pass different from first one?
3)Commercial question. II've been a JFBConnect pay user for the first version of this module, there is a discount for old users?
4) How can i reduce size of Login/Logout button?
Last edit: 10 years 5 months ago by marzam.
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #42766 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Modal popup not working
1) Are you currently using JFBConnect? If so, the documentation you show above should work fine for you. I can't tell if you're using JFBConnect or some other Facebook integration extension.
2) You can enable Automatic Registration in JFBConnect and the user's name, username, and password will be filled out for them *or* you can disable automatic registration and let the user fill it out themselves.
3) We don't have any discounts for users who's subscriptions have expired. We do offer a 30% discount if you are extending and renewing a currently active subscription.
4) This would have to be done through CSS. You can edit our theme files in the /media/sourcecoast/themes/sclogin directory and add any styles you need there.

I hope that helps,
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10 years 5 months ago #42770 by marzam
Replied by marzam on topic Modal popup not working
No, actually i don't use JFBCLogin, i'm checking integration of SCLogin with my site. i'm thinking about buy JFBCLogin but it's a little expensive... :( (for the first version i pay 10$ 4 years ago)
In JFBCLogin is possible to set automatic fill of user (ex. email=user or name surname=user) and let the user choose only the pass? there is a demo anywhere where i can see JFBCLogin in action with the option to choose user and pass?
If a user return to visit my site and do again "login with Facebook" system give him another user and another pass different from first one?
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #42772 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Modal popup not working
4 years ago, JFBConnect had very basic authentication for Facebook only and no other features. Over that time, we've added more social network integration (Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+), almost 50 social widgets (like buttons, fan boxes, badges, etc), posts to Pages, Groups, Streams, and lots more as well as a ton of configuration options. To continue developing new features, the price we have set is the price that it takes to continue our pace and to keep up with the changes in each social network.

As for JFBConnect, yes, you can let the user authenticate with a social network and then fill out a brief form. You can configure whether the username, name, email and password fields are shown on that form or are automatically imported without the user being able to alter them.

Unfortunately, we don't have a demo site that allows for configuration right now and we don't have any way to setup demo sites with all the different options. We do have a 30-day money back guarantee in case you can't get things configured how you want.

If a user return to visit my site and do again "login with Facebook" system give him another user and another pass different from first one?

There's an option in JFBConnect to "Automatically connect user by email". If the user authenticating has an email address that matches an existing Joomla user, their accounts will automatically be linked. There are other ways an existing user can connect their social network accounts to their existing account as well.

I hope that helps answer your questions,
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