Topic-icon how to hide registration from and tab In SClogin for joomla 3.0

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Hi to all, i am using SCLogin for my Joomla 3.0 site. and now i just need to show the login button i mean the user who alreday have their id and password just they can enter the site page .and don't want to visible the register button in frontend and also want to hide the registartion form for my site also. how should i do this work. kindly response me soon.
thanks and regards
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Support Specialist
There is a setting in the SCLogin module for "Show Register Button". Set that to 'hide' if you don't want it to show.

For disabling registrations entirely, that's a setting you can configure in the Joomla User Manager.

I hope that helps,
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10 years 5 months ago - 10 years 5 months ago #42477 by nahar
Hi alex,
thanks for your reply. and i alreday did the same but the problem is if i hide the register button the another button lose the width .in that case how could i solve the problem i am just waiting. for your clear understand i attach for u a image.after hide the register button the login button seems big .

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Last edit: 10 years 5 months ago by nahar.
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Support Specialist
I'm not sure why it's looking like that for you (we haven't heard this from others), but I think I know a solution.

Can you edit the /modules/mod_sclogin/tmpl/joomlaLogin_vertical.php file. Around line 47, you'll see:
<button type="submit" name="Submit" class="btn btn-primary <?php if (!$showRegisterLinkInLogin)
        echo 'span12';
     } ?>"><?php echo JText::_('MOD_SCLOGIN_LOGIN') ?></button>
Edit the span12 line so it just looks like:
echo ' ';
Hopefully that will fix you up, but if not let us know a page we can see that login module on and we'll gladly help further.

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Hi alex,
thanks a lot. your last post is perfect.its done.i solve my problem.
you r realy great. thanks again.
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Support Specialist
Awesome! Glad to hear we could help get you going. If you have any other questions or need further help, just let me know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for SCLogin, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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