Topic-icon Moved 2 Jomsocial Socialize Template and Seeking SCLogin tweaks query?

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Hi There,

I've recently moved to a much more responsive Jomsocial and Joomla template in one by the makers of Jomsocial themselves.

This had the following type of login which looked fine in a web browser view horizontal along the top;

(your forum attachment part lets me add attachments but doesn't give me a way to get back to my post so I'm having to show you the screenshots by my dropbox acct)

They then had the following type of login for when accessed by a mobile device which was very nicely fitting etc;

So whilst with Jomsocial's Mod help I've been able to rid their Socialize template's stock login and replace with your SCLogin which is awesome, I want to try to achieve the same look as the 2 above screenshots but with your SCLogin and then I'll be majorly happy finally.

If you would like to read the actual topic I've had with Jomsocial support so you can see how we've achieved what we have to date, then please peruse this full page screenshot of the thread, as they're a subscription support based thing and a normal web link wouldn't work if you don't have an active subscription with them,hence the screenshot.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

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Support Specialist
First, sorry for the attachments issue. We made a change yesterday that, obviously, caused some problems. We've since reverted it and you should be able to attach images. We'd love your feedback if it works properly now.

Now, as to your questions, can you let me know where you are at with the SCLogin integration? The pictures above of what it looked like are helpful, but I'm not sure what point you're at with the integration and what help you need to get things perfect for you. If you have a live URL we can look at the partial results along with any problems you're having, we'll gladly do what we can to help out.

As for JomSocial, we're actually working with them right now for even better integration in their upcoming releases. They already have a setting for integrating with JFBConnect, which adds the login buttons to their home page. The upcoming 3.2 release (we're hoping) will automatically add the social login buttons to other login areas (like access denied, their login module, etc).

Keep me posted, and we'll help get you going!

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alzander wrote: First, sorry for the attachments issue. We made a change yesterday that, obviously, caused some problems. We've since reverted it and you should be able to attach images. We'd love your feedback if it works properly now.

No problem Alex, it does seem fine now here is a test attachment addition coming right up.... oh, no I still don't have ANY way of once uploading an attachment and selecting the green icon to insert one in to my currently being wrote thread / reply, to get back to this without selecting "back" on the browser... here is a screenshot I've just taken of the whole screen I'm seeing in Chrome and I am sure I can't see a "done" or "go back to thread" or anything of similar nature?

Now, as to your questions, can you let me know where you are at with the SCLogin integration? The pictures above of what it looked like are helpful, but I'm not sure what point you're at with the integration and what help you need to get things perfect for you. If you have a live URL we can look at the partial results along with any problems you're having, we'll gladly do what we can to help out.

Well I had SCLogin and JFBConnect etc already working on this site but this was prior to moving to Jomsocial's own designed and responsive Socialize template. It's still working now if you go to: Here.... you will see this. I seemed to have missed sending you the actual full page screenshot of the chat I have been having with Jomsocial mod's regarding getting rid of the stock socialize login / registration and replacing it with Sourcecoast's, so here that conversation is, which will pretty much bring you up to speed in a chronological order I've been chatting to them about; if you scroll down you will see the full page.

As mentioned, I'm trying to achieve the same look of both a horizontal login / register in their top-header module position for web browser viewing and then I believe it's a vertical version they had for their login / register I've now removed, to use yours... for when people connect to our site by mobile devices view, both of these as per the earlier dropbox screenshots.

As for JomSocial, we're actually working with them right now for even better integration in their upcoming releases. They already have a setting for integrating with JFBConnect, which adds the login buttons to their home page. The upcoming 3.2 release (we're hoping) will automatically add the social login buttons to other login areas (like access denied, their login module, etc).

This is great news to hear, any guestimate on timescale as if it's REALLY close I can possibly afford to wait but if more than a couple of weeks away, I will have to try and get the above achieved to get the site back up and running on full tilt. Also, will this basically enable a Jomsocial and Jomsocial template user like me, to pretty much gain the same look, layout of SCLogin / JFBConnect as they have in their Socialize template for e.g. for both web browser viewers (horizontal along the top right) and then for mobile browser viewers a vertical nice intuitive login / register directly below the "Menu" icon? Maybe try their socialize template demo on both web browser and mobile browser to see what I mean. :)

Keep me posted, and we'll help get you going!


Thanks as always fella, look forward to hearing from you.

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Support Specialist
The attachment thing should be fixed now. There was a Javascript issue that should be fixed.. really, really!

Your post of the conversation with JomSocial isn't really coming in well.. I just see the image of your first post. Can you link to the actual discussion? We have a subscription and can read it just fine.

On your new site with the socialize template, can you send me a link to that so we can see what you have? It's good to compare to the old version and what you want to implement. One option is to keep with their current template and just add our buttons to it. With an image (or text link) and a little Javascript, you should be able to quickly add the buttons wherever/however you want into their template or module.

Finally, for the improved integraton, we're hoping to see that in JomSocial 3.2. That's currently in beta, the RC is supposed to be in a few weeks, and then the final release will be after that. I honestly don't know if a) those improvements are really in 3.2 yet (we're hoping, but I haven't tested the beta) and if their Socialize template would have the updates as well.. so I wouldn't tell you to hold your breath and wait it out.

Really, right now, I need to see what you have so far, what JomSocial's team has said, and then determine what's left to go.

Sorry for all the back and forth (and forum issues), but we'll get you going!

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10 years 6 months ago - 10 years 6 months ago #42303 by PhoenixUK

alzander wrote: The attachment thing should be fixed now. There was a Javascript issue that should be fixed.. really, really!
No worries, will take your word for it fella.

Your post of the conversation with JomSocial isn't really coming in well.. I just see the image of your first post. Can you link to the actual discussion? We have a subscription and can read it just fine.
It should be fine as it's a fully scrolling screenshot but doesn't matter now I know you have a subscription with JS, so here's the conversation to get up to speed on: Read here...

On your new site with the socialize template, can you send me a link to that so we can see what you have?
Go to: Here... and if you access both the Socialize Template Demo first in a web browser, alongside our own website that's now trying to integrate SCLogin/JFBConnect fully and then if you access the Socialize Template demo with a minimised browser or a mobile device and then you will see especially in mobile browsers how their own stock login / registration (That I've now removed with JS's help) sits nicely in the top left area but only once you click the 3 horizontal lined "mobile menu" button.

If I can mimic how their stock login / registration looks aesthetically to the eye and in the positions they have it in but with SCLogin / JFBConnect, then I'll be over the moon.

It's good to compare to the old version and what you want to implement. One option is to keep with their current template and just add our buttons to it. With an image (or text link) and a little Javascript, you should be able to quickly add the buttons wherever/however you want into their template or module.

The thing is I need to get this site back re-launched after the downtime moving to a new combined joomla and JS template, so whilst it does make part sense to wait for the majority of people, in this instance I can't really afford the extra down time if that makes sense, so any help or guidance to aid me achieving the above would be massively appreciated.

Finally, for the improved integraton, we're hoping to see that in JomSocial 3.2. That's currently in beta, the RC is supposed to be in a few weeks, and then the final release will be after that. I honestly don't know if a) those improvements are really in 3.2 yet (we're hoping, but I haven't tested the beta) and if their Socialize template would have the updates as well.. so I wouldn't tell you to hold your breath and wait it out.

As above Alex, this is why I believe I have to try to achieve the above now as there's no guarantee that what's mooted and being worked on between SCoast and JS will be implemented in this very next version, who knows.

Really, right now, I need to see what you have so far, what JomSocial's team has said, and then determine what's left to go.
Sorry for all the back and forth (and forum issues), but we'll get you going!

Well hopefully I have finally included the correct information for you to be able to get up to speed on what I'm seeking and thank you for kindly offering to look in to this for me and help me achieve this if it's possible etc.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.



Last edit: 10 years 6 months ago by PhoenixUK.
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Hi Alex,

I'm just wondering if any of you guys have had any thoughts on the content of my last reply?

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Support Specialist
Thanks for the info and your patience. It takes a little bit to investigate the options and get, what is hopefully, the best solution to you.

From what I can see, I'd honestly recommend adding the social login buttons to their template files. You can try to wedge the SCLogin into the template, but since there is already an integration login area that looks how you want it *and* it collapses (presumably) how you want in mobile, it'd be easier to add our code to that.

With that said, I don't have the template files for the Socialize template. I do have the big block of code they had you modify though, and that should be enough to get us started. What I'd recommend is editing the ROOT/templates/your_current_template/html/mod_community_toolbar/default.php file that the JomSocial support had you create. That is a 'template override' which is meant to be edited so that your changes won't be overwritten on updating. Undo any changes they made (or copy the original file from the components/com_community folder to the template override directory.

Then, find the section that looks like:
<form class="form-inline pull-right" action="<?php echo CRoute::_( 'index.php?option='.COM_USER_NAME.'&task='.COM_USER_TAKS_LOGIN ); ?>" method="post" name="form-login" id="form-login" >
	<?php echo $params->get('pretext'); ?>
	<fieldset class="form-list pull-left">
Update that as follows, which should automatically add the social icons for any providers you've configured:
<form class="form-inline pull-right" action="<?php echo CRoute::_( 'index.php?option='.COM_USER_NAME.'&task='.COM_USER_TAKS_LOGIN ); ?>" method="post" name="form-login" id="form-login" >
	<?php echo $params->get('pretext'); ?>
        $providers = JFBCFactory::getAllProviders();
        $html = “";
        $params = array(‘buttonSize’ => ‘icon_button’); // or ‘icon_text_button’ or can even pass in custom images
        foreach ($providers as $p)
            $html .= $p->loginButton($params);
        echo $html;
	<fieldset class="form-list pull-left">
That should add the icons before the login area in the horizontal sidebar. Test if that seems right to you (or add the code after the closing form tag to put it to the right of the bar).

After that, we'd need to add similar code to the left sidebar that opens when you click the 3 bars in a mobile environment.. but I don't have that template code. You'll basically just need to add the same code chunk there though.

I hope that helps get you started, but if you run into any issues or have questions, just let me know.

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Morning Alex,

Thanks for the reply and the kind offer of helping code.

However, I've run in to a bit of a problem after finding the original code and then replacing it with what you kindly provided in the last reply, I get the following:

File Attachment:

Which is in effect knocking the overall template / pages out once I add that code as directed?

I look forward to hearing from you.


alzander wrote: Thanks for the info and your patience. It takes a little bit to investigate the options and get, what is hopefully, the best solution to you.

From what I can see, I'd honestly recommend adding the social login buttons to their template files. You can try to wedge the SCLogin into the template, but since there is already an integration login area that looks how you want it *and* it collapses (presumably) how you want in mobile, it'd be easier to add our code to that.

With that said, I don't have the template files for the Socialize template. I do have the big block of code they had you modify though, and that should be enough to get us started. What I'd recommend is editing the ROOT/templates/your_current_template/html/mod_community_toolbar/default.php file that the JomSocial support had you create. That is a 'template override' which is meant to be edited so that your changes won't be overwritten on updating. Undo any changes they made (or copy the original file from the components/com_community folder to the template override directory.

Then, find the section that looks like:

<form class="form-inline pull-right" action="<?php echo CRoute::_( 'index.php?option='.COM_USER_NAME.'&task='.COM_USER_TAKS_LOGIN ); ?>" method="post" name="form-login" id="form-login" >
	<?php echo $params->get('pretext'); ?>
	<fieldset class="form-list pull-left">
Update that as follows, which should automatically add the social icons for any providers you've configured:
<form class="form-inline pull-right" action="<?php echo CRoute::_( 'index.php?option='.COM_USER_NAME.'&task='.COM_USER_TAKS_LOGIN ); ?>" method="post" name="form-login" id="form-login" >
	<?php echo $params->get('pretext'); ?>
        $providers = JFBCFactory::getAllProviders();
        $html = “";
        $params = array(‘buttonSize’ => ‘icon_button’); // or ‘icon_text_button’ or can even pass in custom images
        foreach ($providers as $p)
            $html .= $p->loginButton($params);
        echo $html;
	<fieldset class="form-list pull-left">
That should add the icons before the login area in the horizontal sidebar. Test if that seems right to you (or add the code after the closing form tag to put it to the right of the bar).

After that, we'd need to add similar code to the left sidebar that opens when you click the 3 bars in a mobile environment.. but I don't have that template code. You'll basically just need to add the same code chunk there though.

I hope that helps get you started, but if you run into any issues or have questions, just let me know.


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Support Specialist
I see your image, but I'm honestly not sure what's wrong. There's a few things that could be happening, but I need to know what the problem is first:
a) The buttons are stacked
b) The full page isn't rendering (can't tell if this is the case, but it's a guess)
c) The login window is too wide now

If you can elaborate on what's going wrong, that would really help. I can't tell if your picture is a subsection of the page.. of the header area, or the left sidebar.. or if that's everything (which in itself would be the problem).

I did try to go to your site to see the problem, but couldn't. I'm assuming that's cause you couldn't leave it that way.

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