Topic-icon SClogin facebook auth does not complete.

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10 years 7 months ago #41496 by jesøru

Ive done a lot of searching on youre page, but i cant seem to find the answer to my troubles.

SClogin is working on my site - Login in the top right corner ( as text - the template overrides the style of the login button )

When choosing login with facebook - The facebook iframe is popping up, asking the user for typing in their FB credentials - Afterwards, the popup just goes BLANK.

with the following code :

The facebook app has a redirect ling set to the startpage

Ive tried enabling SSL bypass in the JFConnect applikation - Does not Work.
Tried enabeling / disabeling a lot of modules / components - and made shure the template facebook integration was turned off - and not interfering with the app.

Why does it not redirect back, and accept the login ?

Picture attached.

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10 years 7 months ago #41497 by jesøru
Just an info.

If i have been logged into facebook on the computer with MY id - Where the facebook app is registered - The auth just flyes through.

But none other users.
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10 years 6 months ago #41500 by warchop
I have similar issue.
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Support Specialist
10 years 6 months ago #41508 by alzander
This seems to be a change in how Facebook is behaving when you haven't published your Facebook Application, and it's quite annoying as they used to present a descriptive error message.

To fix, please go to your Facebook Developer Area and go to the Status & Review section. Then, make sure the top option for "Your site is publicly available" is set to "Yes".

Hopefully that gets you going, but if not, let us know.

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