Topic-icon Little problem with z-index ?

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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #40844 by OlivierF
we experiment a little problem with modal SCLogin.
It happen only on small resolution (iPad, GalaxyTab, ...)
The modal is under our menu and header.
I think it's a z-index problem but can't find the way to correct it.
Here is a screenshot of the problem :
File Attachment:

Our url site is :
We had coded a popup system linked to the modal sclogin, but we don't touch to the module sclogin.
We use a rockettheme template : Chapelco
Thanks for your help !
Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by OlivierF.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40852 by alzander
Your header area is set to a z-index of 11000 and 10000 in the following sections of your template's CSS:
#rt-header, #rt-top {
z-index: 11000;
position: relative;

#rt-top-surround {
position: relative;
z-index: 10000;
The SCLogin popup uses a z-index of 1050. I'd recommend lowering your template's z-index down to 1049 (or lower), and that should work.

Otherwise, you can add the following to your template's stylesheet to override our 1050 value:
.sourcecoast.modal {
z-index: 20000 !important;
I hope that helps!

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10 years 7 months ago #40859 by OlivierF
Thanks Alzander, it works.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40876 by alzander
Glad to hear that got you going. I added an issue to our bug-tracker to drastically increase our z-index for the next release as well. That modal should always be on top of everything. While 1050 works for 99% of sites, we might as well make it work for the other 1% with a big increase in that value.

The next release will be out around mid/late February.

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