Topic-icon Why have you made this so hard to customize?

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10 years 7 months ago #40696 by jgribble
The module doesn't store the CSS and language files in the usual places. Why I don't know, but I need to be able to read them and edit them; I've never encountered this before, so please, where are they? Deep in the forum I found clues. At least I gleaned that you dispensed with the style.css file and are using a Boostrap/LESS file somewhere as your core layout driver. Not the best solution but that's another issue. At least I want to look at it. This situation obviously has created a lot of confusion and consternation out here. A lot of times I see you telling boarders to create a class suffix and do their customization that way. Okay, but first we need to see the original code. Am considering buying the social component which drives the social login features. Seems to work great, but I worry about running into the same customization difficulties. Weirdness eats time and time costs money.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40722 by alzander
The next major release due out in February should fix these and other styling issues. We'll have a new template system where you can just drop a CSS file into your templates folder and SCLogin will be able to automatically use it. We'll also have 2 themes predefined, the current one and the one used for our login area on this site.

As for our reasoning for things:
1) The CSS is currently shared between JFBConnect and SCLogin. That makes things easier and 'lighter' when using both of our extensions.
2) It's stored in the /media directory because that's where Joomla recommends storing CSS and Javascript
3) It's not easy to modify.. we realize that. However, it is meant to work out of the box, and that is the case for the majority of our users. Again though, easy modification is coming next month.

I hope that helps explain, and sorry for the inconveniences.

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10 years 7 months ago #40725 by jgribble
Thanks, it's a nice module. I did track back the styling scheme with Firebug. So at least now it makes more sense to me. I understand that most users just want to plug it in and configure it. I'm glad you're working toward easier customization. I plan to check back in a few months and try out the entire system. It's one of the few Joomla tools out there that enables social logins.
-Jim G.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40732 by alzander
Glad to hear you're making some sense out of it. We've had great response to the SCLogin module in its 'current' form since we released it last March. In that time, we've added a ton of features and made compatibility a priority. We do hope you'll check back in about a month with the next release, which will have more features and improvements to customization.

Should you have any suggestions, feedback or questions before then, just let us know!

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10 years 7 months ago #40733 by jgribble
We ended up using Offlajn's module and social login component because it's a little more developed at this point and very easy to style in the control panel and the CSS. But I do think you're on the right track and have come up with a highly worthy competitor. Gave you a nice review (still pending).
Take care and keep up the good work.
-Jim G.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40745 by alzander
No problem. If you're going for simple social login features and easy customization of the login module looks, I don't think you chose wrong. There are quite a few simple social network integration extensions for Joomla that seem to work well, and that seems to be a well respected one.

If you're ever looking for deeper social network integration, JFBConnect is likely what you'll need. Things like importing profile information into other extensions (JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder, etc), Open Graph integration, social sharing buttons on your Joomla/K2 content, all the social widgets, Facebook Page Tab integration, creating posts for your content to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, and lots of other things, then you'll have the solution you need in JFBConnect.

As noted, we'll be working on improving our styling features going forward to make things simpler, but if you have any questions or issues before then, just let us know.

Thanks, and best of luck,
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