Topic-icon Retirect After Login: dosen't works to other Language

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I have a web site with 3 languages.
italian is default.
Login redirection on Italian Site works correctly, but if I select other language, SCLogin Module redirect to Home Page (in language default).
1 - I have created 3 module SCLogin one for each language like you can see in the attach below
2 - each module redirect (after login) to a VOICE MENU for each language like in the attach below.
Where is the problem?

File Attachment:

File Attachment:
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40574 by alzander
I'm not sure, honestly. We'd have to investigate more how we could improve the redirection. Can you tell me if you are using any of the following:
1) The built-in SEF for Joomla?
2) Any separate SEF extensions?
3) Any 3rd party language extensions (Joomfish, Josetta, etc)?

That will help us try to recreate the issue and see if we can help fix the problem.

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10 years 7 months ago #40582 by monak83
Any extra Extension.
SEF configuration in the attach below
LANGUAGE native joomla system
File Attachment:
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