Topic-icon Question! how i can add a sidebar on the register page

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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #40541 by hannie1
Your plugin works like a charm i love it.
Im just having the next issue, i will be in debt if you could point me in some direction of what should i do:

This is my menu, wich works just fine:
My problem is that i want to add a text module in the register page, like this:

The thing is, how i can add a sidebar on the register page, since the only option SCLogin offers are this two :
-Show register button
-Registrant component

Since SCLogin, is not part of a menu, it doesnt take the register section as a page, so it wont allow me to put the a sidebar module in there
Any ideas how i can solve this?

Thank you in advance.
Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by hannie1.
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Support Specialist
Is your registration area already setup and using an Itemid, or are you asking how to add a module to the registration page?

Honestly, the best option would likely be to create a template override of the standard Joomla registration page and add your text in manually.. instead of doing it in a module. That will prevent any extension (not just SCLogin) that may be linking to the 'default' registration page, and not your specialized one using a menu item.

To create a template override, simply copy /components/com_users/views/registration/tmpl/default.php to /templates/<YOUR_TEMPLATE>/html/com_users/registration/default.php
You may have to create some of those directories (html, com_users, registration). Once that file has been copied, edit it directly in the /templates folder and Joomla will use it instead. All your changes will be saved when you update Joomla as well.

I hope that helps, but if not, let us know!

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