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10 years 8 months ago #40440 by imnlimited

We are using SC-Login as well as JFBConnect.

We would like to be able to provide client or partner sites with a login script / code / module / etc. to place on their sites so that their users can log into our site from within their website.

e.g. we have schools as part of our community, these schools make use of our services for their parents. Parents and school need to log into our site to use the services / community. We would like to place and integrate a login on the school sites so that the parents can log into our community from the school site. It is no problem if they are redirected to our site or if it opens in a new window. It could possibly also be an iFrame or something similar later.

Just want it simple and stream lined, any ideas?


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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40477 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Login from other sites
Sorry for the post you may have received an email about... I responded to another user's question in your thread on accident.

As for your question, it's difficult to do what you're asking to do unless you've setup your sites in very specific ways. If each Joomla site is independent of the others, I don't think it'd be possible at all. The main reason is due to security that is built-in to Joomla. Each visitor to the site is assigned a specific (temporary) visitor 'token'. That token needs to be submitted for each user whenever they submit a form. That means that each 'other' site would need to generate and know the token for the 'main' site.

It may be possible to do something like this using an iFrame. However, that can cause some other issues as the submission would be inside the 'frame' window.. you'd need special Javascript to pop the user out.

Additionally, if the user is logged into the 'main' site, you'd need another bridge extension to then log that user into the other sub-sites.. if that's what you're intending (the user can continue on the original site).

I guess, can you let me know:
* Does each of the sub-sites has their own login that you'd want users to be able to use?
* If a user logs into the main site, should they login to the sub-sites?

Let me know, and I may be able to give some suggestions, but I think it may be difficult, just so you know.

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