Topic-icon mod_sclogin - Linking profile photo to profile page

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I would like to make my profile pic link to the user's profile page, instead of the members activity page. is this possible?

(in case attachment is too small)
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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40289 by alzander
You'd need to modify the SCLogin module to point to change the default profile link we create. To do so, edit the /modules/mod_sclogin/mod_sclogin.php file. Around line 26, you'll see a block of code that starts like:
if ($registerType == "jomsocial" && file_exists(JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_community/libraries/core.php'))
    $jspath = JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_community';
    include_once($jspath . '/libraries/core.php');
    $registerLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=register');
    $profileLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community');
You'll need to find the proper block for your profile extension. The block above is for JomSocial, but I'm not sure what extension you're using on your site for profiles. Once you find your block of code, edit the $profileLink link line to redirect the user to whatever page they should be going to.

I hope that helps, but if not, just let me know.

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10 years 8 months ago #40339 by artkin
$jspath = JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_community';
    include_once($jspath . '/libraries/core.php');
    $registerLink = CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=register');
    $profileLink = CRoute::_('index.php/mymemberprofile');

This is the code I put to make it work. Not sure if this is the best. But it does work tho :-)
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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40351 by alzander
That looks right to me. The important thing is if it works, as that's all that really matters anyways! As always though, should you run into any issues or have any questions, just let me know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

Thanks, and good luck,
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