Topic-icon SC Login - Blank page when login button is clicked

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #39865 by tijj
Hi Alex,

Just installed SC Login. I get this error when error reporting is enabled I get the error below. Thanks for yoir help. I use Jommla 3.1.5 and just downloaded sclogin
SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for
( ! ) Fatal error: Call to undefined method JUserHelper::getRememberCookieData() in C:\wamp\www\plugins\authentication\cookie\cookie.php on line 62
Call Stack
#	Time	Memory	Function	Location
1	0.0006	694720	{main}( )	..\index.php:0
2	0.2452	18815664	JSite->dispatch( )	..\index.php:52
3	0.2461	18821832	JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )	..\application.php:220
4	0.2486	18861296	JComponentHelper::executeComponent( )	..\helper.php:331
5	0.2489	18909848	require_once( 'C:\wamp\www\components\com_users\users.php' )	..\helper.php:351
6	0.2531	19390376	JControllerLegacy->execute( )	..\users.php:15
7	0.2531	19390456	UsersControllerUser->login( )	..\legacy.php:722
8	0.2534	19393712	JSite->login( )	..\user.php:60
9	0.2534	19394488	JApplication->login( )	..\application.php:316
10	0.2562	19575664	JAuthentication->authenticate( )	..\application.php:614
11	0.2573	19675912	PlgAuthenticationCookie->onUserAuthenticate( )	..\authentication.php:285

Also - When I hit preview on your forum's topic I get blank modal :)
Last edit: 10 years 8 months ago by tijj.
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10 years 8 months ago #39866 by tijj
Disabled Authentication - Cookie but not sure of thats the right approach to make it work. ! Pls advise
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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #39884 by alzander
When do you get that error message? Is it just when you enable the SCLogin module and navigate to any page, or when you try to login?

If it's when you login, then that's likely a Joomla issue and not something specific to the SCLogin module. Our SCLogin module doesn't actually perform the login, we simply hand off the user credentials to Joomla itself. If you're having that issue during login, I'd recommend trying the standard Joomla login (mod_login) module and see if the issue occurs there as well.

As for the Authentication - Cookie plugin, I really don't know what that is. It's not a standard Joomla plugin, as far as I know. You'd need to contact their developers if it is indeed giving you issues.

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