Topic-icon Display of SCLogin not working

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10 years 9 months ago #39775 by stevenvargas
I am working to develop a site, and am having trouble with the SCLogin module display. Instead of a blue login button and white register button with horizontal login fields, I see a gray square with a small gray login button, "Register" displayed as text, and the login fields vertical. The development site is

A week or so ago, this module displayed fine on my site. I have done work on JomSocial, XiPT, XiUS, and DTRegister in the meantime. So perhaps something there is causing the display to be strange.

For settings, I have selected:

Login View Settings: Always Visible
Modal Style: Button
Show Login Form
Show Forgot Username
Show Forgot Password
Forgot Image Color: White
Show Register Button: Show in Both
Registration Component: JomSocial
Joomla Login Redirection URL: Same Page
Encrypt Login Form: No

I have tried Load JQuery yes/no and Load Bootstrap yes/no.
I have also tried moving the SCLogin to different locations on the page.

None of these have helped.

I appreciate any help you can give me.

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10 years 9 months ago #39776 by stevenvargas
To update on one thing I just noticed, the problem only seems to occur on the home (featured) page. On other pages, the login is displaying correctly.
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Support Specialist
10 years 9 months ago #39784 by alzander
Something is preventing the SCLogin CSS files from loading on that home page. The main files required are:

You'll need to figure out what is preventing those files from loading into the HTML document, and that should fix your problems. It could be an optimization plugin, your template or anything else.

I hope that helps,
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