Topic-icon Can't see module "SCLogin" on Iphone under Safari, Chrome or Photon

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10 years 9 months ago - 10 years 9 months ago #39268 by extonjaez
"SCLogin" is perfect on a desktop computeur.
But when i use it on an Iphone under Safari, Chrome or Photon, i can't see the module "SCLogin".
Do you know why ?
Best Regards
Joomla 3.2
Yootheme Template Drive warp6
Last edit: 10 years 9 months ago by extonjaez.
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Support Specialist
No, I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to see that. It's not a common problem we've heard of.

Can you let me know a site where we can see the problem, and we'll gladly help investigate.

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10 years 9 months ago - 10 years 9 months ago #39418 by extonjaez

My site :
for try on an iphone IOS (7.0.3 or 7.0.4) with Safari or Chrome
Many Thanks
Best regards
Last edit: 10 years 9 months ago by extonjaez.
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My site :
for try on an iphone IOS (7.0.3 or 7.0.4) with Safari or Chrome
Many Thanks
Best regards
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SCLogin module version 3.2.2 have no change on the bug..
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Support Specialist
We've been meaning to test this further, but hadn't been able to while we were getting the latest release of JFBConnect and the SCLogin module ready. This also isn't an issue that we've heard from any other users, which means it may be a conflict or other issue specifically on your site.

Can you tell me if you're having issues seeing the module on our demo site, or even this site?

If not, can you try with a different template to see if the issue goes away on yours? We'll need to narrow down what's different in a mobile view on your site to help understand what may be going wrong. The main things to check are:
1) Do other modules show in the position you're trying to use in the mobile view?
2) Does the template, or another extension, do anything special when a mobile browser is used?

Let me know anything about your configuration you can and we'll gladly help investigate further. Whatever it is though, again, it seems specific to your site, which means you'll need to help with the investigation.

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