Topic-icon SC-Login Customization

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10 years 10 months ago #38760 by imnlimited
1) Which files do I need to look at to add some text or a linespace after the "Login with:" and before the social buttons.
2) How can I create the same popup login as on the SourceCoast site? Is this available as standard on ScLogin Module?

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10 years 10 months ago #38775 by LeGiangAnh
Replied by LeGiangAnh on topic SC-Login Customization
Same question, I really love the SourceCoast login module.
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Support Specialist
10 years 10 months ago #38788 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic SC-Login Customization
The "Login with:" text actually comes from JFBConnect. You can edit that text in the /language/en_GB/en_GB.com_jfbconnect.ini file. In there, you can add HTML like <br/> for a linespace or multiple &nbsp; for extra spaces.

The same layout as on this site is something we're planning to add as an option to the SCLogin module in the next major revision. We'd like to have a few optional layouts to provide even more flexibility. Unfortunately, the style we're using on this site isn't responsive and more tied into our site's full template, so it's not something we can easily break out and give you 30-lines of CSS that would do it.

I hope that answers your question, and thanks for the compliments about our design!

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10 years 9 months ago #39033 by imnlimited
Replied by imnlimited on topic SC-Login Customization
Hi Alex,

1) Strange, I don't even get the "Login with:" text in the Sc-Login Modules. See Why is that? I can add it manually, but I thought it should be there.

2) On the JFBC part of the JomSocial GuestLogin Frontpage ( page, I would like to move the social buttons one line down and have the Login with: text just above it (due to display issues on smaller screens e.g. tablets, mobiles, etc.)

3) Why do we see different style Facebook buttons for different users logging into the site using Chrome (or other) on the same Mac or PC... e.g when I log in I get the light blue facebook style Like and Send buttons, but when my wife logs in she gets the dark blue Facebook styled buttons on the same page / article... (everywhere where we use JFBC on a page) - see attached: Facebook-JFBConnect (2 images)

4) Why does it post a random (or facebook button image) when user clicks to share post on Facebook? see: 1384253997_JFBConnect-Community-Login.jpg

5) How do I redirect default login from Joomla ( to JFBConnect or SC-Login, login and registration managed by JomSocial. I would like users to use the login as on this page:

Further, any idea when you will launch new SC-Login as well as JFBC with JLinked built in?


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Support Specialist
10 years 9 months ago #39060 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic SC-Login Customization
Hopefully I can get you the answers you're looking for:

1) Strange, I don't even get the "Login with:" text in the Sc-Login Modules. See Why is that? I can add it manually, but I thought it should be there.

The "Login with:" text appears when the {JFBCLogin} tag is used, like {JFBCLogin text=Login with:} Whatever is added after the text= part will be displayed. The SCLogin module doesn't use the tag and adds the buttons a little differently, which is why it doesn't display. JomSocial does automatically add that tag and include our language file string, which is why it shows there. I can gladly help you to add the text to the SCLogin module if that's what you're looking for.

2) On the JFBC part of the JomSocial GuestLogin Frontpage ( page, I would like to move the social buttons one line down and have the Login with: text just above it (due to display issues on smaller screens e.g. tablets, mobiles, etc.)

If you add the following to your template, it will drop the social buttons down a line:
#community-wrap .social-login .intro {
float: none;

3) Why do we see different style Facebook buttons for different users logging into the site using Chrome (or other) on the same Mac or PC... e.g when I log in I get the light blue facebook style Like and Send buttons, but when my wife logs in she gets the dark blue Facebook styled buttons on the same page / article... (everywhere where we use JFBC on a page) - see attached: Facebook-JFBConnect (2 images)

Facebook is rolling out a new style of Like button (and other social widgets). They are slowly being enabled for all users, which means that some will see the old buttons for a while and others will see the new dark blue ones. We have no control over this.

4) Why does it post a random (or facebook button image) when user clicks to share post on Facebook? see: 1384253997_JFBConnect-Community-Login.jpg

It looks like you're using jReviews on that page. Please enable the Open Graph - JReviews and/or Open Graph - Content plugin. Those will attempt to automatically detect the best image to be used on that page. Without it, Facebook basically guesses at what it thinks is the best image to represent that page.

Alternatively, if that page is private (only for Registered users), then Facebook won't be able to scan the page and would likely be 'seeing' your login page (where a guest would be redirected). From there, it'd simply taking the first image it likely sees (the Login with Facebook button).

If none of that explains it, let me know the URL of that page, and we'll gladly test further.

5) How do I redirect default login from Joomla ( to JFBConnect or SC-Login, login and registration managed by JomSocial. I would like users to use the login as on this page:

There's a plugin called "JomSocial Redirect" which is included with JomSocial (I'm pretty sure) which will automatically redirect users from the Joomla user page to JomSocial home page.

Hope that helps,
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