Topic-icon SC Login Modal Popup not working

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11 years 2 days ago #33510 by ventluc
I have Joomla 2.5.9 and I installed Revista Theme (ver. 1.0.3) provided by Yootheme ( I installed SCLogin Enhanced Login module just downloaded (ver. 3.0.0). As you can see here: (my new web site under construction) the modal popup view doesn't work (you can push "Login" button but nothing happens!). Can you help me? Thanks a lot. Luca p.s: I can provide you credentials to access my Joomla Admin panel if you need this case how can send them to the support team in private?
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Support Specialist
11 years 1 day ago #33511 by alzander
It's likely not working on that page because you have disabled the component output. The Modal popup currently requires that the component output is enabled. That's something we're planning to not make required for a future release, but for now, it is.

If you go to your interior pages, you'll see that the modal popup does work.

Please enable some component output on the home page, or switch the login module to not be in modal mode.

I hope that helps,
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11 years 1 day ago #33514 by ventluc

Thanks for your reply....but what do you mean with "component output"? Where can I switch it on and off? I have no idea what you are talking about! :(

Let me know...thanks a lot!
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Support Specialist
11 years 1 day ago #33515 by alzander
Some templates have an option for "Disable component output" that can be either on just the home page, on a specific template style, or possibly even a plugin (though I doubt it). I'd go through your template and style settings and check for a setting with a name like the above.

Hope that helps,
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11 years 1 day ago - 11 years 1 day ago #33516 by ventluc
In my template there is an option called "System Output", but it was already set to "yes". So I think the problem isn't that one you said.....any idea? :( I think that the best idea is that I give you access to my Joomla admin panel to check this can I send credentials to you in private? Thanks a lot in advance.
Last edit: 11 years 1 day ago by ventluc.
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Support Specialist
11 years 1 day ago #33520 by alzander
Before we check out your admin area, can you go to your Menu Manager area and let us know what type of link you're using for your Home Page? What component is setup to be displayed. On your home page, I see a banner area and then some navigation modules in the bottom.

It doesn't look like a component is being displayed. Is there an article or something else that's supposed to display there?

Again, I'm pretty sure you simply don't have your component output enabled, and my guess is that it's in your template that that is disabled. Without knowing your site or extensions, I may not be able to figure out what's happening even with admin access. It's best if you can investigate where the component output is, and if it's not displaying, why not.

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11 years 1 day ago #33527 by ventluc
My home page is a "featured articles type of page" but there is no setting to set "component output". I had removed login button in "modal popup" view to let you to check and solve that problem I posted at link:

Anyway I restored "modal popup" view of login button (see screen shoot in tiff format, included in the zip file): as you can see at link if you try to push it nothing happens.

Let me know if you need to access to my Joomla Admin panel. Thanks a lot in advance!
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Support Specialist
11 years 14 hours ago #33537 by alzander
I don't see any articles on your home page. Are any articles in the Article Manager marked as "Featured"? If not, can you mark one as featured and see if it properly displays and the modal works? I just need more clarification as I'm not seeing anything that looks like component output on your home page.

After that test, feel free to private message me admin credentials to your site if that doesn't narrow things down. Again though, I don't know your template or site configuration well, so I need as much information from you as possible.

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11 years 12 hours ago #33543 by ventluc
home page is a "featured article" in Joomla by default....Anyway I sent to you a private message with link and credentials to access my Joomla admin panel to let you to check the issue....

Let me know, thanks.

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Support Specialist
11 years 11 hours ago #33544 by alzander
I understand that featured articles is the default Joomla menu item. Do you have any articles marked as featured though? If not, can you mark one as featured, temporarily, and make sure it displays. If it doesn't, that means something (likely your template) is disabling the component output on your home page.

Let us know how that test goes. If it doesn't work, you'll need to look into what is disabling the output.

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