Topic-icon SC Login not working on this latest version

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6 years 3 months ago #64053 by nunnog
As of this latest version, SC Login isn't working.
After login, the user is redirected to a random page on the website.
The module configurations haven't changed and I have "Registration Component" set to Joomla and Joomla Login Redirection URL: to "Same page".
This extension has always worked well, so far.
Thanks for your support!
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Support Specialist
6 years 3 months ago #64056 by alzander
I'm glad to hear the SCLogin module has worked well so far.. and sorry to hear you're running into trouble now.

Honestly, the SCLogin had no changes in this release that should cause what you were describing. There was one minor change related to how the user's profile image is linked because some social networks changed how you can link to their profiles. Since you're not using JFBConnect, that change shouldn't have affected you at all.

With that said, let's figure out what's wrong...
* When you say "a random page on the website", is that random every time you login.. or is it always redirecting you to the same page, just not where you were expecting?
* Can you setup the Joomla login module (mod_login) with the same parameters and see if it has the same behavior?
* If you have SEF URLS enabled (either in the Joomla Global Configuration area or a 3rd party SEF extension), can you disable those, temporarily, and see if that fixes things?
* For "Login Redirection" set to 'Same page', that means the user should be returned to whatever page they were trying to login on. *IF* that page is setup for only guests or in some way is restricted for the user that just logged in, they won't be able to stay on the same page.
** I'd recommend trying to set the "Login Redirection" to a specific URL and check if the SCLogin module can properly redirect the user to a fixed page.
** If a fixed page works, please try disabling any caching (in the Global Configuration or via 3rd party extensions) or 'optimization' extensions you have enabled. One of those may be caching a wrong value for the 'current' page and causing the problem you're seeing.

Once we understand a little more about what is happening with the above questions, we should be able to help get you going again.

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6 years 3 months ago #64058 by nunnog

Thanks for your quick feedback!
I've just disabled Joomla cache and the extension works perfectly again!
I have no idea why this happens, but at least for now the problem is solved.

Just one suggestion: let the users disable Bootstrap in the module configs, this would facilitate the css styling of the module.

Thank you!
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Support Specialist
6 years 3 months ago #64073 by alzander
Glad you got it going. You shouldn't have to live without Joomla caching to use the SCLogin module. Try re-enabling that and go to the "Advanced" parameters area of the SCLogin module and setting "Caching" to disabled there.

As for CSS, we have a whole Theme system you can use to implement custom stylings.

I hope that helps, but if you need anything else, just let us know.

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