Topic-icon login page

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7 years 11 months ago #59772 by pdipietro
login page was created by pdipietro

I've implementing the login/logout page as in your website using modal SCLogin .

The problem arises when I use a small screen: with a phone, when I press login, the modal page doesn't scroll so I cannot see and push the social buttons on the bottom of the page. The background scroll instead.

Treed with iphone 6s, 5s, window phone, but you can obtain the same behavior just resizing the browser windows.

Could be seen online on

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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59779 by mel
Replied by mel on topic login page
In our common.css file around line 172, we have the following style:
.sourcecoast .modal-body {
    overflow-y: visible;

Can you try changing it to:
.sourcecoast .modal-body {
overflow-y: auto;

This will force the modal to scroll if needed.
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7 years 11 months ago #59791 by pdipietro
Replied by pdipietro on topic login page
Thank you. It runs.

The suggested change will be included into the next release, or I have to reinsert it every time you'll produce a new one?
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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59796 by mel
Replied by mel on topic login page
I will add an issue to the tracker so we include this in the next release.

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7 years 11 months ago #59849 by pdipietro
Replied by pdipietro on topic login page
Hi Melissa,

I have one new question for you:

How can I put the list of the social networks into the menu as in your site?
I attached one file: there are two spots of your and my site: in your site the list is into the dropdown menu, while in mine is outside it.

I attached for you a copy of the generated code on my site, where the lines of the social networks are not <li> as in yours, but are another structure.

Have you any suggestion?

On the other way, I still have an error we already looks with Alexander some months ago:
I cannot finish the autotune process due to an unknown error.
There is an attachment (cattura2) for this too.
Any idea is welcomed.

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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59854 by mel
Replied by mel on topic login page

How can I put the list of the social networks into the menu as in your site?
I attached one file: there are two spots of your and my site: in your site the list is into the dropdown menu, while in mine is outside it.

Looking briefly at your screenshot (which isn't attached to the thread by the way), you have the SCLogin set up to be a dropdown view in the "Logout View Settings" tab > 'User Menu Style' option. On we have List as the option. Additionally, if you look at the /modules/mod_sclogin/helper.php file around line 554, you will see a couple of commented out lines of code that we use on instead of the one immediately preceding line of code.

Also, you may want to look at our Common Support Questions for "How can i open the SCLogin Modal Popup with a regular link?" to see our explanation of how we've incorporated it into our menu area.

On the other way, I still have an error we already looks with Alexander some months ago:
I cannot finish the autotune process due to an unknown error.

If I run your site through another header checker tool , I get a "301 Moved Permanently" message. I'm wondering if this would be related.

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7 years 11 months ago #59861 by pdipietro
Replied by pdipietro on topic login page
I made all the suggested changes, but it doesn't run.

In the attachment "Cattura0" you can see the output using the old version with the "Logout View Settings" tab > 'User Menu Style' option = 'dropbox' :
1) the dropdown runs fine
2) the lines with the socialnetworks are outside the dropdown BUT the instruction on your /modules/mod_sclogin/helper.php file around line 554 as been changed as you suggested (cattura1) and the config has been changed (cattura2)
3) The generated code is as in (cattura4)

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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59869 by mel
Replied by mel on topic login page
Sorry for not remembering this earlier, but on, we are not using the normal option for 'Show Connect Account Button(s)' in the SCLogin module. We instead added a very specific type of menu item to our "My Account" menu. Please see the Common Support Questions for "How can I add social network "Connect" buttons in the user menu?". I think doing this instead will help clear it up.

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