Topic-icon Problems with registered users and front-end article submission

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8 years 3 months ago - 8 years 3 months ago #58547 by johsys
I'm using SCLogin on a new site I develop.
I had the following strange behaviour:
1. I registered some users (editors and publishers) from the backend, but they couldn't login, no matter what!
2. I have a "submit new article" page. Changing between the tabs, it made the closing tab disappear! For example, if I was on the "Images and Links" tab, and changed to "Publish", the "Images and Links" would disappear!!!!

I searched it in Google and found a solution: the "assets" table should have ONLY 1 record with parent-id=0 (the Root Asset). Looking through the phpmyadmin, I realized that SCLogin also had parent-id=0. I changed parent-id and level, from 0 to 1, cleared the cache, and everything was normal again: registered users could login and submit new articles without problems.

Almost without problems.. After some hours, the strange behaviour started again.. I checked the "assets" table, and the whole SCLogin record was missing!!

Any ideas on how to permanently solve the problem???

Here's the original sql of the SCLogin record:
INSERT INTO `xxxx_assets` (`id`, `parent_id`, `lft`, `rgt`, `level`, `name`, `title`, `rules`) VALUES
(285, 0, 473, 474, 0, 'com_advancedmodules.module.145', 'SCLogin', '{"module.edit.frontend":[]}');
Last edit: 8 years 3 months ago by johsys.
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Support Specialist
Your SQL query at the bottom notes com_advancedmodules. If you have an additional module manager on your site, I'd investigate if that's causing some sort of conflict. The SCLogin module uses the standard Joomla installer to install and update itself. We don't manually insert into or modify the assets table at all. That's dangerous and can cause lots of problems.

I don't think we're the cause of the problem; our module is simply be effected by some other issue on your site that I haven't heard of before. Unfortunately, I don't have many great suggestions other than to look at lower level extensions, like that module manager, to make sure it's not interfering.

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I tried a couple of times to correct the record in the assets table, and for some reason it disappeared after a while. The last time I tried it, I also run optimization and analysis on the table, from phpmyadmin, and so far, I have no problems. It seems the record is now properly set in the table.
I was really interested to add the social media login enhancement, but I don't feel confident that it will work without problems.

As for the "advanced module manager" this is a well known plugin, and i've been using almost in all my sites. It might cause the whole issue, but you might want to have a look at it. I don't know how to help you on this, but feel free to ask me anything
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Support Specialist

I was really interested to add the social media login enhancement, but I don't feel confident that it will work without problems.

I understand your concern, but we've never, ever heard of this issue before and I don't know of any way that the SCLogin module could be the culprit. Obviously, our module is affected by whatever bug is causing this. As mentioned though, the SCLogin module should never be changing the assets table by itself.

As for the "advanced module manager" this is a well known plugin, and i've been using almost in all my sites. It might cause the whole issue, but you might want to have a look at it. I don't know how to help you on this, but feel free to ask me anything

I know Advance Module Manager well. It's a good extension but also something much lower-level than SCLogin and something that could be causing the issue. As for well known, I agree that it is. However, so is the SCLogin module. It's a very popular login module and it's actually used on the Joomla Extension Directory as their login module, so I would say it's been pretty tried and tested and not something 'unknown' or unused.

Sorry I don't have a better answer for you but I just don't see any way that SCLogin is the problem. I do hope you find the cause though and definitely let us know what you find.

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