Topic-icon SCLogin has never worked for any of my websites...

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Just want to let you know that I have tried off and on for many years now using different templates, etc.. and I have never been able to use SCLogin for one reason or another... Currently I can't even save anything in the back end because it just doesn't work..

I really don't want you to fix this for me... it is enough to know that I have had countless problems with this module... I just wanted to let you know that I am thoroughly dissatisfied.

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Support Specialist
8 years 4 months ago #58079 by alzander
I'm sorry to hear you've run into so many issues with the SCLogin module. I know you mentioned you're not looking for support, but we have to try.

First, I looked through your old posts, and I see issues with the SCLogin's responsiveness, profile importing, and general authentication. All of those issues look to have been resolved. When you say it's never worked, I'm not sure what aspect you're talking about.

Now, to your current issue, I see your last JFBConnect subscription expired in February of 2015. JFBConnect and our SCLogin module are tied closely together. If you're still using an old version of JFBConnect, you should not be upgrading the SCLogin module to the more recent releases. While we try to make SCLogin as backward compatible as possible, the most recent v7.0.0 release of SCLogin is meant for JFBConnect v7.0 only. If you can't save, it's likely because the SCLogin module is having issues with a feature being missing from JFBConnect.

I'd recommend down-grading SCLogin back to the version that was included with JFBConnect. I'm not going to recommend upgrading JFBConnect, because I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to make you subscribe again. However, there have been many improvements to JFBConnect in the last year, including improved support for Joomla 3.5 and other updates in 3rd party extensions.

Those are my quick suggestions to get things going with whatever version of JFBConnect you're using. If you do change your mind and would like support, just let us know and I'll gladly try to help however I can.

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Hi Alzander,

Sorry for this late reply. And thank you for your response.

The prior issues with SCLogin were never resolved. I just uninstalled the module and linked to the Joomla Login and Register pages.

Perhaps I will give SCLogin one more try.. but not yet... I will be renewing my JFBConnect subscription as soon as I have finished building my new site (which is taking much longer than I anticipated).

But SCLogin must have a problem with my template.. because my website is unusable after publishing it. hence the frustration...

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Support Specialist
8 years 4 months ago #58204 by alzander
Can you explain more about what happens when you enable the SCLogin module? You say "my website is unusable after publishing it". What does that mean? Is the page white? Can you not click on anything? Is the formatting messed up? Etc. Any details you can provide will help us narrow things down.

Also, could you let us know or try:
* What version of Joomla are you using?
* What version of SCLogin are you using?
* Are you using JFBConnect right now as well? If so, what version?
* If you are using JFBConnect, can you disable the JFBCSystem plugin to see if that makes things work with the SCLogin module?

Let us know and we'll gladly continue to help however we can. If you are using the latest version of Joomla with a really old version of JFBConnect, there may be other issues/conflicts that you're running into as well. We can help narrow down if that may be part of your problems. If that's the case though, there won't be any easy fixes to old versions of JFBConnect other than upgrading to the latest.

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After installing SCLogin, I can no longer save anything in the back end. I am able to close the sclogin module and then unpublish it.

I have currently disabled JFBConnect . I will enable (purchase new subscription) when I have completed my new website. At that time I may look into SCLogin.


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